Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

A Bit of This and That

Life has been on fast forward around here, but I am not feeling rushed or stressed yet!

This winter has given us 40 inches of snow and now we have more on the way.  We are possibly going to get a foot of snow tomorrow night into Thursday morning.  Sigh

 This is the road on the way to Becky's house on Monday, while taking Rachel there to help make candles.  We had had a few more inches of snow on Sunday afternoon.  I have lived here for 20 years and never have we had a winter where we have had snow every week, and multiple times a week!  Crazy!

 I consoled myself at home with a cup of tea and some cinnamon sugar toast.  Just the right snack for a cold morning.

 This sweet thing went outside with Uncle Kyle for some fresh air and fun in the snow.  She took her gloves off and was miserably cold.  She cried all the way back to the house, but I picked her up and get her out of her snow clothes and then snuggled her in a blanket next to Auntie Lindsay.  She was better then!

Last night some of the couples from church got together for an evening out.  We ate at a nice restaurant called Loxley's.

We went out ahead of Valentine's Day.  We had a fabulous time!  We've decided to do it again, and not wait a year!

I have a few preparations to make for the storm coming.  We are good food wise and water wise.  I will fill the bathtubs up again, in case we lose power again.  I want to make sure we have some things that do not require cooking.

We have 17 days until the wedding!  I have to find shoes for myself.  I was going to go out on Thursday but I think I may run out today.  Here's to hoping I find something!


Debbie said...

I'm positive you will find the right shoes in plenty of time. It would be great to find them sooner rather than later, but you'll find them.

I believe your calmness surrounding the wedding prep is completely due to the fact that you have covered it in prayer. One of my best friends said that she just quietly lifted every little thing to Him, and her daughters' weddings were wonderful blessed times. It's going to be so lovely.

And if it happens to winter up on you 17 days from now, it will just be winter wonderland lovely.

Vee said...

Your weather really has been crazy! Who would have thought that Lindsay's wedding would be a winter one in all senses of the word. I expect green grass in March in PA. It will become something of memory that's for sure! What fun fellowship you guys always have! Poor little can get cold out there!

sherry said...

gracious sakes .. no drought in your parts of this great nation!* glad you're staying cozy warm and that the little cutie pie was snug as a bug after her chilly romp. shoes.. hm. i guess crocs aren't the things huh? ;)

*in our parts, folsom lake is 14 feet higher on the water level after all the rain we've been getting. yes!!

podso said...

Hopefully the snow will be all gone by wedding day!
We're getting your snow first I guess, and the real thing with an icing of ice! We've got our power out supplies ready this time because of the ice.

Lorrie said...

What a winter you're having. So much snow and cold. I hope you find your shoes. The day is getting closer. What fun you have with your friends at church. The best of times.

Unknown said...

I am praying for your shoes. :-)

Cheryl said...

What a winter to remember...for all sorts of reasons!

Poor Kamryn! It's miserable getting so cold. But then there is something quite cozy about getting rewarmed, especially if you have someone to pamper you and cuddle you.

Take care...stay safe...stay warm...

The Old Parsonage said...

I'm right there with you...we're in the 10-14 range - ugh!

Good luck with your shoes - I got mine at Boscov's - $14 on sale!


Sue said...

WoW! that's a lot of snow, and here i was thinking the eight inches we got yesterday and today was a lot! I guess it really is a lot for us here in the south~smile~We are just not used to a lot of snow and freezing rain, which we are getting tonight with power outages predicted! Thanks for the idea of filling the tub with water, I have just about ran out of pots, ~smile~
Fellowship with other believers is one of the best blessings, Church families have ties that are bound by so much love.
Good luck with finding the right shoes, I can hardly believe the wedding is so close, I enjoyed the post of their new home, as a parent i know of the excitement for them. it truly is exciting to see the fruits of your labor come to fruition! Goodness I am excitied for them, too!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...