Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 15, 2014

What I Did During The Storm

You all know that I am a tea lover and that in my inherited, but not valuable, china hutch I house most of my tea things.  I've been wanting to freshen up the interior of the hutch for quite sometime, and since I had quite a bit of Annie Sloan Chalk Paint left, I decided to take the plunge and just do it!

Here is what my hutch looked like in 2007 before I painted it.  It had water damage and so I used to drape that fabric and cover it up.

I painted it white and have loved it ever since!

The interior was painted a light green and it looked pretty with my tea things.

Seven years later it is looking pretty beat up and I was no longer loving the green.

 Here is the beginning of adding the Annie Sloan "Emperor's Silk." It is lighter here than it looks in person.

Here is the finished look, and the red is more true to color.

As you can see my collection of teacups and teapots has grown since 2007.  I'm a happy girl!


Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Just looking at it makes me happy!

Vee said...

What a nice color to set off your beautiful tea things! I walked out of my grandmother's house leaving her china cabinet behind. Stupid me!

jean said...

Your hutch and tea things look lovely, Mrs. Rabe. Rejuvenating an old piece of furniture can make it feel so fun, again!

Unknown said...

Pretty, Pretty!!!

Cheryl said...

Gorgeous!! It looks wonderful!!

Joyce said...

Very pretty! Liked the green alot and then saw the red and loved it too. Very creative.

Lorrie said...

The new colour looks so rich and warm, a perfect background for bone china! Great job.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Brenda, I knew you'd love it!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love the color…I put off painting it because some people thought it would look too dark. I think its fine!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thank you Joyce!

Rebecca said...

I think it's a great color choice! I love the way your china stands out against its background♥

Theresa said...

Oh I love the white and then the inside painted red? Be still my heart! That is quite a collection:) SO pretty! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

I really like! And it's fun to see your teacups.

Estelle's said...

This is lovely! You did an amazing job and repurposing this beautiful cabinet. And your tea, so lovely!

The Old Parsonage said...

Loved the green, but the rose color is awesome!!! I'd love to paint our cupboard white but it's a no go with Mr OP.

Snow again on Tuesday? Here we go again!!


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