Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 3, 2014

A Fine Romance

I went out Saturday and used the last of my Christmas gift cards on this book by Susan Branch!  I am very happy that I did.

It is full of lovely photos of England and it tells the story of her Romance with Joe, and of their trip to England that was two months long.  What a dream trip!

I have enjoyed looking through it but haven't had a chance to sit down and read it yet.  It looks to be one that I will savor and return to over and over again.

I don't know how many of you read her blog - you can find it here - but it is delightful and just look what's available as a free download….

This is the perfect quote to end this post.  We are supposed to get swamped with snow again.  By the time you are reading this post we should be on our way to 6-8 inches.  That ol' groundhog says six more weeks of winter!

But we won't think of that today!  We'll just hold on to the quote above!


Debbie said...

I love that entire ode from which the quote came and have thought of framing it for my wall.

Of course, we don't have much of a winter to complain about. Here, I kind of wish it would stay cold for another six weeks. I don't ever want to march onward toward summer. (No pun intended).

I know you are probably sick of it, but your snow in pictures in the previous post was so beautiful to me. It makes everything so clean and white.

This next month is going to be crazy hectic yet wonderful time for you, rain, shine, snow, or sleet.

Becky K. said...

The book looks beautiful and so "you". Glad you'll be able to enjoy it. :-)
Snow....if all my peeps could just stay home I wouldn't mind it so much....

Theresa said...

Oh what a beautiful book:) Enjoy! Stay warm, stay out of the snow and read your new book! HUGS!

Vee said...

Glad that you have enjoyed the book! The way your family tackles the driveway, that snow will be a non-issue except to have great fun in or make some snow cream for homeschool!

Cheryl said...

I have loved the work of Susan Branch since I found her book Autumn in a sale rack at Barnes and Noble and brought it home for my very own! I must put A Fine Romance on my list to purchase. It looks dreamy...

If all the rain that we are having is snow in Lancaster County, then you are going to be snowed in. Stay safe and warm!

The Joy of Home with Martha Ellen said...

A Fine Romance is a lovely read. I adore Susan Branch--her art work and thoughts on domesticity are right up my alley. Enjoy your snow day and stay cozy. ♥

Lorrie said...

It's a lovely book, isn't it? I'm hoping to read it again soon, and look up some of the information she has on the web, too.

podso said...

I am reading the book now, savoring it slowly. I read her blog while she was taking this trip, and sent it to a friend who was taking a similar trip! So we gave this friend the book for her birthday!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...