Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Family Culture: A Day of Mixed Emotions

 We started back to school today.  It went well. You can see Kyle here taking notes about the percentages of things like oxygen, argon, water vapor etc, in the earth's atmosphere.  

In the afternoon we went to Tommy's burial.  It was small and private.  Family, church friends, and few others were in attendance.  Joseph and Lindsay are standing with their arms around each other.  They are doing well, and have now been married for 5 months!

After the burial, my friend Jennifer and I went to visit a friend who is married to an Amishman.  They had not known about Tommy's death and we wanted to tell them in person.

In the evening, after a long day of activity and supper, our children surprised Tim with a card and monetary gift, a late Father's Day gift if you will.  They were very generous and it touched his heart very much.
What a blessing to have such a wonderful family, extended family too, and our church family.  It helps to make difficult days bearable.  

I am also thankful I do not have to rely on my emotions to carry me through.  I can trust in my good God who does all things well.


Debbie said...

I absolutely love that last part about not having to rely on emotions to carry you through. I was just discussing something similar with my husband about trying to walk in wisdom with folks who rely (it seems anyway) entirely on emotion or "feeling" and never on the reason of God. Such a great reminder to me for my OWN life too. I really love the way you think, Deanna.

Rebecca said...

"When answers aren't enough, there is Jesus", are the words to a song that ministers to my spirit when there AREN'T answers....

Blessings on your new school year and precious family.

Vee said...

Emotions pretty much get us nowhere...true enough! Gotta wonder why God gave them to us in such abundance...will have to ponder that another day. Bittersweet...bittersweet...all of life seems that way some days.

Happy New School Year! I have to keep telling myself that you folks got out early or else I feel too bad for you. ☺

Cheryl said...

You are so right about relying on trust rather than emotions!

It must have been a hard day yesterday. I am happy that there were blessings in the midst of the sadness. Beginning a new school year is always exciting...and the gift for Tim just warms my heart. He seems to be such a wise and tender father!

Lorrie said...

I've missed reading some posts here - so sorry to hear about the tragedy in Joseph's family. Trusting God doesn't mean negating emotions - I believe they are given for a purpose and that they are a reflection of God's image in us. Without emotion we wouldn't experience love or joy or sorrow. Blessings on you all as you walk through these grief-shadowed days.

Lorrie said...

I've missed reading some posts here - so sorry to hear about the tragedy in Joseph's family. Trusting God doesn't mean negating emotions - I believe they are given for a purpose and that they are a reflection of God's image in us. Without emotion we wouldn't experience love or joy or sorrow. Blessings on you all as you walk through these grief-shadowed days.

Lorrie said...

Life is filled with joys and sorrows - trusting God keeps us on an even keel when emotions threaten to swamp.
Blessings on you all as you walk through these grief-shadowed days.

podso said...

Quite a day for you … and its good to look back as you have.

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