Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 29, 2015

10 Weeks

In 10 weeks our son is getting married.  

We will be having it here on our property.  They have a tent arranged and fancy port-a-potties!  Invitations are designed and ready to be printed and sent out in a few weeks.

They are having the wedding of Kayleigh's dreams.  She has always dreamed of a unique dress.  I won't give it away here, I'll wait to show you!

We will be all pulling together and getting flowers planted in their wedding colors, getting the yard and surrounding areas looking their best, doing some baking, ordering flowers - you know, all the fun parts of putting on a wedding.

We are thankful for their commitment to each other and to raise Kamryn in a loving home.  She's going to look adorable at the wedding, trust me on that one!

We are very happy and excited for them!

Let the fun begin!


Buttercup said...

I am sure it will be a beautiful wedding and can't wait to see Kayleigh's dress. Happy wishes to the whole family!

podso said...

Lots of things to look forward to!

Terra said...

Planting flowers in their wedding colors, that is a creative idea. I look forward to seeing the dreamed of dress.

Becky K. said...

I am very excited for them! It will be beautiful, I am sure!

Elizabeth said...

Sounds like a wonderful wedding ! Congratulations all !

Vee said...

Enjoy the preparations! Lots of excitement...

Lorrie said...

Fun times ahead!

Tim said...

That's great they can get married at your place. I'd like to have a small wedding in our little backyard for at least one of my daughters.

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