Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, June 4, 2015


My brother and sister in law are visiting, and so are my niece in law and my two great nephews ages 6 and 3.

With Tim and I having 6 kids whose ages range from 26 to almost 10, we span the generation gaps.  After all we have nieces and nephews with children whose ages are close to Kyle's age, and Kyle was only 5 when our granddaughter was born.  Uncle Kyle and Kamryn have been like siblings, though for a few years she called him "uncle.'

All this explanation is so you'll understand the dynamic.  These little boys, ages 6 and 3 are my great nephews - my brothers grandsons.  They are Kyle's (age 9) first cousin Ryan's (my brother's oldest son) children.  That makes them Kyle's first cousins, once removed, I believe.  And Kamryn and the boys are second cousins, as their daddies are all first cousins.  

Got that?

What that means in reality is that the kids are having a blast together, whether first cousins, once removed, second cousins, uncle and niece!  

This photo shows 3 year old Camden with his almost 5 year old cousin, Kamryn.  Yeah, she's petite!

Today the cousins will come with their sweet Mama for a two night sleepover!  Fun times ahead!

I'm looking forward to lots of talking about kids and homeschooling, watching the kids chase chickens, ride horses and collect eggs. 

I'm savoring this time together and storing up memories!


Vee said...

Oh, yes, I followed that right along. You were very clear! Kamryn is a tiny thing...the photo puts it into perspective! They all look as if they are having a lot of fun! I remember how much Kyle enjoys having kids to play with!

Cheryl said...

Multi-generational fun and fellowship!! Sweet!!

Cranberry Morning said...

What fun family photos! There are few things more fun than watching cousins interacting. :-)

podso said...

We will have a similar gathering next month where at least the kids will be confused about the connections, but they won't care. Just lots of time having fun together.

Sue said...

These photos just make my heart sing, enjoy savoring and making more memories! Blessings,

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