Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, June 26, 2015

The World Is Changing

The signs are everywhere.  Everything has been turned on its head. I think we are in for hard times.  I believe we are going to experience another economic downturn, soon.  I don't know if the end times are here but I think it is very much the end of the 'world' as we know it.

I believe it is time to simply live out our faith.  To notice the neighbor in need - to actually know the neighbor, and to be a help to them.  To care for our families, especially our aging parents, and to help our kid with their kids.  We maybe the sandwich generation caught between our own parents needs, and grandkids, but for Tim and I we are still raising our own children!  Do we feel pressure?  I don't think so.  We just ask God to help us do what He's given us to do for the day, and we do it to the best of our ability.

We all will need to live much simpler lives, and I am thinking that may very well be a good thing.  We all talk about when life was simpler with longing, but how many of us take steps to live that simpler life?  You can step off the crazy train anytime.  Slow your pace down and walk with the Lord daily.  I believe you will find your life richer and fuller.

Tim works at a place where people are all about how much money they can make.  They sign up to work double shifts on the weekends (16 hour days) in addition to their time during the week.  There are many factors that contribute to this, but I wonder when they see their families.  Are they all empty nesters? Divorced? Just wanting to be able to have things?

When hard times come things don't comfort you, the people you have surrounded yourself with and invested time in will be your comfort, and the Lord, of course.

A Bible School teacher said many years ago, "God always prepares you for what He has prepared for you."  I believe it.  Learn to listen to those promptings and senses of direction.

My dear friend Brenda at Coffee, Tea, Books and Me has tons of great Saturday posts about Pantry Living, and other preparedness things.  

I am not negative person, I'm a true optimist, but I don't believe that things will be better soon.  I think though that we can have a very good life in the midst of hardship, if we are focused on the things that really matter.

Honoring the Lord and walking with Him.

Encouraging our families.

Serving others.

These things are real, true, and of value.  These things will bring satisfaction and a contented life.


Theresa said...

Oh dear friend! My thoughts EXACTLY! There isn't much we can do about the World and the state it is in! I think we just have to pray and live our lives as God would have us to! Sending HUGS and PRAYERS your way!

Vee said...

We are of a similar mind. I think that I may be much more concerned than you. I see the lawsuits across the country and I believe that I can safely predict that they will increase. If it is allowed yo continue, we could see pastors in jail. God help those who shake their fists in the face of God.

Lorrie said...

Very thoughtfully written, Deanna. How much better to choose a simple life than have economics force one to pare back and cut down. Then the problem becomes that many people simply don't know how.
Regarding contentment - I take comfort in Paul's words where he says he has learned to be content - it's something I can learn and is not innate.

Sue said...

OH dear Deanna, I absolutely agree with all that you have so well written, you placed no fear, only hope in our Lord, being diligent and alert! This is one reason I always have a well stocked pantry! Thank you for sharing the link, I will visit!
You are always so encouraging especially when it comes to family and home, as i feel the same.
Have a great weekend,

Melissa G said...

Thank you for sharing this. It's what I needed to hear this morning.

podso said...

It is amazing the rapid pace at which things are changing. I agree with you, and I have to add your photos gently illustrated it all well.

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Every religious leader I respect says a great judgement is coming and most likely affect the economy first. Simple living is definitely His way!

Debbie said...

Oh Deanna, I am so glad I came here tonight. I needed something of encouragement and God brought you to my mind so I decided to venture into Blogland. I thank Him for his direction and you for this post.

Ginny said...

I appreciate your encouraging words.

Alicia @ said...

This is beautifully written and portrayed. Simpler days and living out our faith. It's all about Him. Thank you for this encouragement.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Well put Deanna and the sooner we focus on living the life intended rather than one of money and material things, the better off we'll be. Less is more can be interpreted in many ways.

Lee Ann said...

Totally agree with this post couldn't have said it better.

Rebecca said...

What solid thoughts, Deanna! I'm so thankful for your company and the "fellowship of kindred minds". I agree that we can step off the "crazy train" ANYtime. Instead of wish and hoping......I also love that quote "God always prepares you for what He has prepared for you."! How reassuring.

Tim said...

Celebrating the 4th of July feels different this year. I don't feel so proud of my country...

Home Keeping

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