Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Garden Photos and A Chat

This past week was a blur.  My brother's family left on Tuesday and on Wednesday my dad fell and hit his head.  He is doing so well.  He came home from the hospital on Saturday, and is resting easily at home.  Mom is doing well, also.

Yesterday, Rachel headed out to the youth conference at Emma's school.  A Dad from our church is taking the week and drove four of the kids from church down.  It has been a real blessing in our daughter's lives, and I know this year will be the same.

I've got a decent cold, so I am taking Mucinex and trying to rest.  Its hard for me to just do nothing, especially when I was a way from home 4 days last week for the bulk of the day.  I mowed yesterday and ran errands, and Kyle and Sarah and I ended up at my parents house for a swim.  I grilled burgers for everyone and we visited for a while then the kids and I headed home.  

It is weird after having 6 kids to just have 2 around.  These two are very good at entertaining themselves, so that is nice for me with my cold.

We've had a lot of rain this past week.  Mostly at night and a few were big thunder and lightning storms, with downpours.  Our grass, gardens, and weeds love it in combination with the heat.

 The Cottage garden is wild. You can't even see the Daylilies that are along the fence because of the Larkspur.  My hollyhocks are being visited by Japanese Beetles. (Frown)

 My Echinacea is very showy this year.

The bees are loving it!  In the autumn, the finch will pay the seed heads a visit!

I'm off to close my eyes for a bit.  Back tomorrow to talk weight loss.  It's been a while since we've talked about it.


Cheryl said...

It's so good to hear that your parents are both on the road to recovery!! Praise the Lord for His plan for their lives! Hope that you're soon as right as rain yourself. A summer cold is no fun. Well...I suppose no cold is "fun," but it seems more expected in the winter.

Your garden is bursting with beauty!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

My kind of post Deanna -chatting over the fence to catch up. Yours is the perfect example of a cottage garden, filled to capacity with lots of colour.
I'm glad your parents are on the mend, now it's time to take care of yourself.
Wishing you well as we begin summer.

podso said...

Thankful your dad is doing well. And your garden looks good--loves that rain! Send some our way. :-)

Theresa said...

Happy to hear that your Dad is doing well! Enjoy the quiet time while doctoring your cold! LOVE all of your flowers along the picket fence:) HUGS!

Lorrie said...

Glad to read that your Dad is doing well. Sorry you've come down with a cold. Do take it easy, hard though that may be. Your garden is looking really wonderful.

Sue said...

So glad your Dad is doing well, hope you get to feeling better soon, summer colds are so hard to deal with! Your gardens are beautiful, we are having to irrigate ours daily, and with this triple digit and humidity it really makes it tough on them.

Sherry said...

gorgeous garden, friend. just gorgeous.
sorry to learn about your summer cold. phooey.

Melissa G said...

Everything looks gorgeous! I hope you feel better soon!

Home Keeping

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