Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Senior Photos

Rachel is graduating this year during our state convention in May, that is put on by Christian Homeschool Association of Pennsylvania.  Her friend Quinn will be graduating with her.  They are very excited.

We needed to get some senior photos done and so Lindsay took some on Sunday.

This is the one she chose for the CHAP magazine and the program.

She's a lovely girl who works hard, loves the Lord and her family, is a loyal friend.  We are so proud of her. 

Nurturing Growth

Growing can be painful.  We don't always understand why God allows us to go through trials, but we know they are for our maturing. (James 1:2-4)

 This mini rose was purchased at Terrain back in January.  It had lovely little red roses on it and it was lovely.  I enjoyed it but where I had placed it was not getting direct sun.  The flowers faded, the leaves started to get straggly.
 I did not want this plant to die!  So I moved it around all day and kept it in the sunlight on the days that the sun was shining.  I watered it, transplanted it to a larger pot, nurtured it, and slowly it started to thrive.
 This week has not been filled with trials but its been filled with my people - who need to be nurtured physically and spiritually.  They need me to listen, and that takes time, they need me to prepare food, they need me to be their friend.  I've been busy, and at the end of the day I am both physically and mentally tired! 
 I'm thankful for those who nurture me, too.  Who listen, encourage, laugh, share their lives with me. 

 Do you have people in your lives who help you thrive?

Sunday, March 27, 2016


One of the things I love to do each year is decorate for our Easter morning brunch at church.
 Blue Moon spray roses, yellow spray roses, Lisianthus, and Clematis.

 Its a change from our weekly set up, and everyone likes it and that makes it fun for me! 

Saturday Kyle and Sarah dyed eggs.  Its fun because they did it all themselves, other than boiling the eggs. They made the dye, and had a good time coloring the eggs.

 Didn't they turn out great?

Later in the day, Sarah and I set the table here at home for our family dinner Sunday afternoon.

Kyle and Kamryn hunted for eggs after our meal.  The two dads, Tim and Nate, hide the eggs.  Then they hunt.

All the older kids played volleyball and ultimate frisbee, Lindsay rode her horse, there was a movie in the evening, too.  No family photo this year.  We didn't have tripod.  We have plans for a big photo later this spring or summer.

We had a wonderful Easter.  So thankful for God's gift to us.  I hope you all had a great day, too.


Friday, March 25, 2016

Blessed Easter

I trust you will have an Blessed Easter weekend.

Thanking God for the empty tomb!


Thursday, March 24, 2016

Praise You In The Storm

We all go through storms.

Our nation is going through one, a long one, and its yet to be decided whether we weather it well or not.

We have friends who are going through a tough storm right now.  We are praying for them, asking for God to show Himself to them in new ways.

I wanted to share this song because I believe in these words.  He doesn't ask us all to go through the same storms, but He allows storms in each of our lives.  He wants us to walk together, with Him through them.  

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Fret Not Yourselves

In the troubled world in which we live, I am taking hope in the words of Psalm 37 -

Fret not yourself
because of evildoers;
be not envious of wrongdoers!
 For they will soon fade like the grass 
and wither like the green herb
Trust in the Lord, and do good;
dwell in the land and befriend faithfulness.
Delight yourself in the LORD,
and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Commit your way to the LORD;
trust in him, and he will act.
He will bring forth your righteousness as the light,
and your justice as the noon-day.
       Be still before the LORD    
and wait patiently for him;
fret not yourself over the one
who prospers in his way,
over the man who carries out
      evil devices!     
Refrain from anger, and forsake wrath!
Fret not yourself; it tends only to evil.
For the evildoers shall be cut off,
but those who wait for the LORD
shall inherit the land.

To read more go here.


Tuesday, March 22, 2016

Tea On Tuesday: An Unusual Tea Cup

 Over the years of collecting tea things, Tim has always encouraged me to find the unusual ones.  It makes my collection unique, so I have some with feet, I have some old ones, I have some with tartan on them.

One I really wanted to find was a black tea cup and about 16 years ago, when we were away on an anniversary trip, I found one.  

I find it unique that it has a luncheon plate and not a traditional saucer.


 The floral pattern is beautiful, too.

I'm joining Bernideen and Sandi again today.  I hope you'll take a look at these fun parties.  

Sunday, March 20, 2016

The Weekend

What a fun weekend we had and I wasn't a part of any of the planning or organizing!  I just got to hang out and enjoy myself, and I did!

First up on Saturday, Lindsay had an airsoft day here on our property. She planned it over a few months and even had some good friends come down from New York state to play.  I think they played for about 7 hours, broken down into smaller games.  Everyone had a really good time.

 She and Joseph even provided lunch and drinks for everyone. 

 Meanwhile, I experimented with some chalk paint on a few barn stars that I had.  This one had been red, and I painted it French Linen and then topped it with Old White.  This photo is before waxing and distressing. 
 I used the same colors on this star but it had been a rusty star that used to live outside.  I did a much more rustic treatment on it with the same colors but doing a dry brush with the Old White.
 That was a lot of fun.  I was also texting with my niece and showing her that on the day before Spring we were having snow showers!

Sunday evening we went to our sweet friend's Bridal Shower.  We played the game where you use toilet paper to dress up a bride.  Sarah was our 'bride' and Lindsay's brother in law was our 'ring bearer!'  
 Chelsea's (the bride to be) sister in law Emily was the organizer of this shower and she did an amazing job.

 Really cute use of shutters to hang photos of Chelsea on and hearts with verses on them.
 She also made all these cute ball decorations by punching the flowers out of scrap paper, and on some she wrapped them with twine.  Very clever.

Cute favors.
 Chelsea's Mama, Becky, blogs at Hospitality Lane and I am certain there will be a post about this with lots of sweet photos, if you'd like to see more.

Saturday, March 19, 2016

Kamryn Takes A Lesson From Lindsay

When your grandparents have a barn with two horses at their house, and your Auntie, who gives riding lessons, is babysitting you, guess what happens!

Yep, a riding lesson!
 She told me she was using an English Saddle, and I was tickled at how she was holding the reigns as Lindsay had instructed her.  She is going to be 6 this summer, but she is a tiny thing.
 She is an animal lover like her Auntie and was having such a great time.
 Papa (my dad) was there, too.  Cheyenne is his horse, though he doesn't ride anymore.  He's had a lot of fun learning to ride over the years and sharing that with Lindsay.

Lindsay took Kamryn on a "trail ride" all over the property.

Its a joy for us to let the kids have these experiences and now our grandkids too.  Our horses are getting old now, Sandi, Lindsay's horse will be 26 this year, we've had her for 9 years, and Cheyenne will be 25, and my dad has owned her for about 6 years.  Sandi and Cheyenne have been good pasture buddies for years, and get along well, as Sandi is the dominant one and Cheyenne is laid back and happy to let her be in charge!

Friday, March 18, 2016

A Few More Wedding Photos

One thing we learned by having an evening wedding is that when you take photos in the afternoon, you nearly forget to take the full family photos after the wedding!

Here is the grooms extended family.  They are all from out of state! We enjoyed our time with them and wished that they all lived closer so we could get to know them better!

Vinnie's lovely family.  Tim and Karmyn, we are so happy to be family with you all.  Simone, Kitty and Krissy, you're all beautiful inside and out!

All of our local nieces had left before we all realized we didn't take any family photos.  Carrie, Shelly, Nicole, and Kaitlin we're sorry!  We did have special guests at this wedding.  Tim's brother Dan and our sister in law Sharon are usually in Africa and had never been to any of their nieces or nephews weddings.  It was so special to have you with us.  And Esther (Tim's sister) and Grammy (Tim's mom).  Grammy is 94 years old!

Here is our immediate family.  We are so proud of these people!
 Sarah, Rachel, Tim, Lindsay, me, Kyle, Joseph (in the back) Emma, Vinnie, Kamryn, Kayleigh and Nate.

The fun thing about an evening wedding is the going away!  I bought sparklers and we made a path for them to run through on their way to the car!

Have a great weekend!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Accessories In The Home

They make all the difference in how your home feels.  I love displaying things that make me happy.

Usually it is something functional and pretty like this plate rack 

And silver spoons in a canning jar

Or a stack of books

This towel from Target is a new favorite!

The BEST accessories in our home are family and friends!

Sharing today at Thoughts of Home

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...