Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, March 27, 2016


One of the things I love to do each year is decorate for our Easter morning brunch at church.
 Blue Moon spray roses, yellow spray roses, Lisianthus, and Clematis.

 Its a change from our weekly set up, and everyone likes it and that makes it fun for me! 

Saturday Kyle and Sarah dyed eggs.  Its fun because they did it all themselves, other than boiling the eggs. They made the dye, and had a good time coloring the eggs.

 Didn't they turn out great?

Later in the day, Sarah and I set the table here at home for our family dinner Sunday afternoon.

Kyle and Kamryn hunted for eggs after our meal.  The two dads, Tim and Nate, hide the eggs.  Then they hunt.

All the older kids played volleyball and ultimate frisbee, Lindsay rode her horse, there was a movie in the evening, too.  No family photo this year.  We didn't have tripod.  We have plans for a big photo later this spring or summer.

We had a wonderful Easter.  So thankful for God's gift to us.  I hope you all had a great day, too.



Becky K. said...

Everyone loved your simply beautiful design this year. I also heard someone say they would love the tables to stay in that configuration for a bit. :-) Glad you had a good day with the family. We did too. Celebrating Jon's birthday and Easter. Fun times.

Cheryl said...

Your table decorations, both at church and at home, are soooo pretty!! Beautiful colors and so cheerful!

Resurrection Day is a glorious day to celebrate!!

Estelle's said...

Oh those Easter eggs are so vibrant and just beautiful! Looks like you had a glorious Easter Deanna! Beautiful table too! Have a great week!

Theresa said...

Looks like a beautiful day, shared with Family and Friends:) Love your table settings! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

Pretty colored eggs. And both table settings look lovely. It looks like you had a gray day there as we did here. But even the rain that came on and off didn't damper the spirit of what we were celebrating.

Vee said...

What a beautiful tablescape! Inspired. I need to up my game...probably will feel embarrased to show my pitiful attempt. Very glad that you enjoyed a joy-filled day with family and friends.

Melissa G said...

Happy Easter! Looks like it was a beautiful day!

Tim said...

Your table setup for Easter dinner was pretty amazing. said...

Continuing with the comments on both table settings...very pretty. Love the Turquoise Ball jars!

Information Friday

  Yesterday, my parents celebrated their 65th wedding anniversary. Tim and I took them on a short road trip to Havre de Grace and we enjoyed...