Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, March 14, 2016

You Made My Weekend (And These People Did Too)

Thank you doesn't seem adequate but I want to express how grateful I am to have heard from so many of you this weekend.  Your precious words are such an encouragement to me! Thank you to those of you who've never commented before!  I love knowing your reading and being encouraged here!

My 'love language' is words of affirmation and you all filled my tank to overflowing.  

We had some family time on Sunday, which was so fun.  Each month that we have birthdays in the family we go out to eat all together to celebrate.  March has three birthdays - Emma, Vinnie and Kaitlin, my niece.  

Emma and Vinnie are one day apart.  Emma's older by a day!  

Auntie Em is a favorite with Kamryn!  I had to do a lot of editing with this photo.  Way too much light from those windows behind them.

 Kyle was sitting between Emma to his right and Rachel on his left.  I'm not sure what Emma was saying to him, but it struck me that he is in that in between time of little boy and young man.  He's growing up, which makes me happy and sad all at the same time.
 Not sure where Kay had gone when I took this photo but I love to watch my kids socialize with each other and with their grandparents.  
 These two are so different from each other but they share a lot of laughter at times!  Here they were working on the children's menu games.  
My niece Kaitlin and her boyfriend, Joe.  She has lived here in Pennsylvania for two and a half years.  She told us yesterday that they are moving to California!  For her its going home, for him it will be new.  Its a good move for them, and we wish them God's best!

I'm grateful to be in a place of seeing fruit for all the seeds sown in the child rearing years.  I'm not out of it yet, but we are nearing the end of these years.  I am here to say to you Mama's with little ones, who are enduring sleepless nights, and crazy days, that your work in not in vain.  What you sow during these years, love, joy, patience, kindness....will bear fruit.  Do not be discouraged! 

Have a great Monday!


Vee said...

It is fun to see the interactions. Is Grandpa getting a lesson? =D How wonderful that your niece is off on a new adventure. (Do ask me someday about my niece's wonderful adventure. ;> )

Sherry said...

a bushel full of love!!!

Sylvia said...

Family time always makes me happy. Looks like you had a day full special moments.


  This weekend was fun. I went to tea with co-op friends, at one of their houses. It was open to all moms. It was a wonderful time of fellow...