Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Garden: Dreaming Of My Cottage Garden

I ordered some flower seeds this week and that has got me dreaming of my cottage garden.

Here are some photos from last year.

I'm trying to get better at having flowers blooming earlier in the spring and also to have more 'filler' flowers growing.  I've got some amazing show stoppers (my hydrangea, peonies, roses) but I need things like stocks, and daisies, and zinnias.

I've got some new hollyhocks seeds on the way, and some calendula.  I wanted to buy some other seeds from a different company, but the order would have been over $30 with shipping.  So I just thought I would go to my local garden places and try to find some plants for these other flowers.

Are you garden dreaming yet?


Barb said...

Your flowers are gorgeous! Peonies have always been a favorite of mine, I love all the colors and varieties. But then again, who doesn't love a beautiful Hollyhock! I remember making dolls out of them when I was beautiful.

Rhonda said...

Your flowers are beautiful! This year I want to really rethink my yard, redo flower beds and start a garden. I've been doing a lot of dreaming but I'm holding off on buying seeds this year. I'm going to get the beds done this spring, transplant things I have and then hopefully next year I will know exactly what I want and need and I can have fun in the winter ordering seed!

Theresa said...

Garden dreaming here too:) I SO love flowers, all kinds! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda Leyland @ Its A Beautiful Life said...

No garden dreaming here just yet. It's still very much winter here and I'm quite happy to let things be dormant a while longer. Your flower photos are something to dream over, that's for sure. We want to stuff as many blossoms as we can into our garden this year. Just fill up every corner. We've got lots of perennials that are coming into their third season so they should fill out well this summer.

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