Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Tea On Tuesday (For A Wednesday)

Okay, so I thought today was Tuesday, even though I had my once a month book study ladies here last night and we meet on the second Tuesday of the month!

It was actually my thinking about the good evening we had with good discussion and sharing, that got me thinking about tea this morning.

See, these ladies like to come and use my tea cups and have a good cup of tea (or two) while we talk.  This always makes me happy to share my love of tea and tea cups.

So I decided to share with you all today, Wednesday (but we can just pretend its a Tuesday, right?), some of my favorite tea tables from Tea events I've hosted.

A Highland Tea

A Lamplight Tea

A Whiter Than Snow Tea

These were all teas that were held at Christmas time.

Sharing tea and conversation,  women using fine tea cups by candle or lamplight is such a special thing.

Do you drink tea?  Most days, I use a mug for my tea.  I use a pretty one, mind you, that is like drinking from china.  But I also use my tea cups often.  


Elizabethd said...

How imaginative! the tables look so lovely.

Mrs.T said...

Such pretty themes for your tea times! I especially like the Whiter than Snow theme.

Yes, I do drink tea. I think I prefer coffee overall, but I enjoy tea very much and usually drink it from a mug.

Lorrie said...

Very pretty tea tables. I drink tea from a mug, usually, but it's a bone china mug. I only drink tea, never coffee, so I drink a fair bit of it.

Vee said...

Beautiful teas. The first is my favorite. Yes, I drink tea almost every day. I rarely bother with a tea cup. I do not find them comfortable to use and they don’t hold enough. That said, I sure have enough of them.

Barb said...

Oh my goodness, what gorgeous table setting! What a delightful way to spend a Tuesday night!

GrammaGrits said...

All are so beautiful!

Cheryl said...

I love all of your tea tables, even though I am partial to the red plaid one. (And I think it is your signature look!)

I do drink tea, but I drink coffee much more. That said, I have had my morning coffee, but I have a scratchy throat this morning and am headed to the kitchen to make a mug of vanilla almond tea (Republic of Tea).

Tea and Friendship

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