Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, January 12, 2024

Information Friday


I am loving this beautiful kitchen! I'm so grateful for such an useful and workable space! It's wonderful.

They keep showing you who they are, don't they?

Here are just some of the pages that DJT released showing election fraud in 2020.

The left and the deep state are really getting panicky. It's showing in many ways.

The Dems have no record to run on so they are running on "Saving Democracy," yet they are the ones that are destroying democracy. 

Remember, pay attention to their actions not their words. We've seen that they will say anything, and act like it's true even when it is not true.

{Here} is the link to this article! The MSM would have you believe that the summer of protests in 2020 was peaceful and that J6 was an attempt to overthrow the government. Frankly, J6, as planned and executed by the FBI and others, was an attempt to divert attention away from the stolen election and their overthrow of the peoples choice of a president!

I listened to Tucker Carlson's interview with Clay Higgins and it's excellent. You can find Tucker's podcast anywhere you listen to podcasts.

This is so funny!

Keep looking to the Lord. Trust Him.

Happy Weekend, Friends.

1 comment:

ellen b. said...

Your new kitchen is fabulous!

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