Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, January 3, 2024

Happy New Year!

 Hard to believe it's already the third day of 2024, but here we are.  

Tim and I spent the day out yesterday for our 36th anniversary. We went antiquing and ate out and just spent time together. I am thankful for this man!

Here is a photo from last year on our anniversary. We didn't take one yesterday. 

36 years is a long time and yet it has flown by, too. It's been a full life, and rewarding.

Our family is a source of joy for us. God is at work in our lives and we are grateful.

New Year's Eve found Tim, myself, mom and dad home so we decided to play Mexican Train and had a blast. We laughed and laughed!

We ate brownies and ice cream and toasted the New Year at midnight with sparkling grape juice. 

New Year's Day is the day to eat pork and sauerkraut (for good luck) so we headed to Dad's old fire company and bought some meals.

I tasted the sauerkraut (not a fan) but the pork, mashed potatoes and gravy were fantastic! (I mixed it together)

Yesterday, on our anniversary we ate breakfast at Gracie's On West Main and I love to read the quotes on the walls.

We also went to a few antique stores in the town of Columbia which is on the Susquehanna River. I love this bridge that goes across the river between York and Lancaster counties.

Can you see the old bridge supports on the right in the photo? That bridge was burned to prevent Confederate soldiers from moving eastward to Lancaster during the Civil War. They rebuilt the bridge, but built the "new" bridge in 1930.

I hope your New Year celebrations were fun, and may we look to the Lord in 2024! I have a feeling it's going to be a crazy year. Remember that God knows. Look to him for wisdom and discernment!

Back on Friday!

6 comments: said...

Happy Anniversary! So nice that you could have a day for yourselves.
We eat Pork and sauerkraut on New Year's day also. I make Cole Slaw for my husband (cabbage in another form). Do you also burn a Bayberry candle? Just "folklore stuff" but it's tradition. :)

Cheryl said...

Happy 36th anniversary to you and Tim! So nice that you were able to spend the day together!
We used to play Mexican Trains when Kati lived at home, but the game lives at her house now. I love to picture you and Tim and your parents laughing the New Year in!

Mrs.T said...

Happy New Year, Deanna! So thankful that God is in every moment.

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary looks like you both had a beautiful day.
My husband and I love to go to Columbia there is a cafe right there by the bridge across from it, I can’t remember the name but we try to go there every time we visit Lancaster. It is one of our favorite getaway places to go
I will have to look up Gracie’s when we go back . What town is it in?
Have you seen all of the good stuff happening currently with exposures ,hopefully it will all be revealed soon.
Hanging in there bye for now Sharon k in nj

Kim said...

Happy Anniversary, Deanna! Happy New Year as well. I hope 2024 is filled with nothing but blessings...and tons of family time in that gorgeous new kitchen!

Deanna Rabe said...

Hi Sharon! The cafe at the river is John Wright. It's good and I've enjoyed eating there a few times. Gracie's is in Leola. The food is good! It is a popular place so Saturdays can be quite full! I hope you get a chance to eat there!

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