Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 29, 2023

Information Friday


Good Morning Friends! 

I just took this photo of the Christmas tree and even with editing, the light pouring in the front window is messing with the photo. I'm not complaining as we have had grey skies and rain off and on for weeks.

I hope you all had a delightful Christmas. I try to hold Christmas Day loosely, and not have tons of expectations, as some years don't go as I would want them to go. 

I'm realizing that my kids may choose to not hang on to traditions that we've long had, and that is really okay. I've been the maker of Christmas for nearly 36 years in our family, and I don't have to hold on to it for dear life. I can still make Christmas for my household, for myself even, and let others do their thing! It's freeing.

One change I brought this year was cooking brisket rather than a ham for our meal. Everyone loved this idea and it turned out great! We just finished the meat last night with brisket sandwiches! Yum!

I have some things to share today that caught my eye. Already there is craziness abounding as the left tries desperately to keep Trump from being president again. I pray for the safety of DJT and his family.

Ever wondered why Republicans don't fight the dems more? Also do you remember that the feds broke up a prostitution ring a few months ago? It implicated politicians and military officers. {Here} is a link to the story.

2024 is going to be crazy and I believe it will be scary. The deep state will do anything to keep their power. But as the people wake up and rise - all over the world - the ds has never been exposed for what they plan for the people. People want to be free. Imagine what our lives would be like without so many taxes, and regulations. What if housing was affordable?

The globalist deep state wants slaves, and that's what we've been/are. 

I'm praying big prayers for our nation. No wars. We want peace.

I hope you are leaning into the one who loves you best. God our creator.  Hold on to him. 

Happy New Year!


Donna said...

I love your tree! Now we have a year to hopefully, prepare for the next one!
Happy New Year

Anonymous said...

Beautiful house. I love the green shelving by the tree. I’m a long time reader . Have you heard anything about Brenda? At coffee, tea books and me. I’ve read her blog for years and still love to look at old posts. I sent her a msg on Facebook but no reply.

Information Friday

  I hope you are all well, and ready to enjoy the weekend. For me the weekend is a welcomed change of pace. This week I've decided to do...