Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, December 15, 2023

Information Friday


Tim and I went with my parents last night to a drive through light display. It was gorgeous!

Here is some great news! Let's all contact our Senators and let them know we want them to vote for this bill!

This is all a part of election interference. This is just 9 of the 65 journalists. They are the ones Americans' trusted to give us the facts. They lied over and over and created their own narratives about Trump. 

Fake News, indeed. They should all be charged with Seditious Conspiracy!

They all work together to tell a narrative, and many people believe it!

Again, here is a Dem lawyer saying Trump is going to overthrow our Democracy. That is projection and exactly what they've been doing!

Remember this panicked phone call from Biden to Ukraine? 

The Biden's had a lot going on in Ukraine, including biolabs.  I think Zelensky knows it and has been holding it over Biden's head.

Zelensky thinks we are an endless source of money for himself.

Biden and Zelensky have been asking for more money, when, according to Karine Jean-Pierre, there is about a billion dollars that they still have to use from previous funding.

Ha ha! It's horribly true!

Hunter, of course, didn't appear before congress this week. He made a weak statement on the steps of the capitol, and Swalwell was right by his side. 

The house voted this week to open an impeachment inquiry. The Dems didn't do that with Trump, they went straight to impeachment. The inquiry allows more subpoenas that have to be followed, and more investigative opportunities.

But just look at what we know already!

The media control of the narrative and their being in lockstep with the left allowed for a wrong view of J6 to be believed for a long time now.

The truth however is coming out and the American people realize they've been lied to!

This is a very important case. The DOJ has been improperly using a charge against J6 defendants that resulted in longer prison sentences. Jack Smith has two of these charges against Trump.

I'll end with this. Russia has repeatedly called out the democrat leadership for corruption in Ukraine against Russia, etc. Now it sounds as if he's waiting on Trump to return to end this conflict.

I hope you are all well, and enjoying the delights of the Christmas season! See you Monday!


Terra said...

Thank you for this compilation of facts, this is the first I saw of the journalists and the seditious conspiracy acts they should be charged with. But no one in this corrupt administration would charge them, sad to say. We need change.

Donna said...

All the usual suspects...I'm SO tired of the Biden garbage and his destruction plans for our country...Come On Nov 5, 2024!!!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...