Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, January 20, 2024

Information Friday


I've had a very lazy week. With my cold, I have found myself napping in my bed in the afternoons, and doing a lot of nothing. Yesterday, Sarah suggested that we have tea and watch a movie. She made scones, and my mom joined in the fun.

After it was over Tim called and said he and Kyle slid off the driveway of the house where they were doing a repair, and he hit a tree. Sarah and I drove to meet them an hour away. Thankfully, a neighbor was able to pull the Tahoe out and only the back window was shattered. Oh, his drivers side mirror was broken too, but he already has a replacement for it. Today he and Sarah are driving to Philly to get a used lift gate for the Tahoe. If it all works out, we'll only be out about $350 and he won't have any rust on the lift gate anymore! We are thankful that no one was injured, and that amazingly the roads were clear with the snow we had falling yesterday.

I have a lot of videos today, hope that you don't mind that.

There are some European leaders who are thinking right.

The RNC is uniparty - Rinos. Why are they in meetings with the Chinese? They are out of touch with what the people want, and frankly they don't care. They want to keep their power and if they can then they'll do anything they have to to keep it.

Listen to what the people want.

Nikki in NH trying to get Dems to vote for her. She's being bankrolled by Reid Hoffman, and big Dem donor who is also paying for E.Jean Carrolls court case. If Nikki was for us, the people, why would she take money from those who are against us?

The dems are afraid, very afraid that all that they have built to control the people, instead of being a servant of the people, is going to crumble. I believe they will bring in Michelle/Michael to replace Biden.

So much happening and it's only Mid January! Hang on, Friends! I believe the best is yet to come!


Sue said...

As always thank you for informing us, and for taking a stand! I believe Obama has been in charge since Joe was inaugurated, and that Michele is being groomed to fill Biden's place, they have just got to first figure out what to do with Kamala ! If Donald Trump is elected it will only be because Our Eternal God has ordained it, God always has the final say in everything!
I am trying to be obedient to His Word,by praying, preparing,occupying, and looking for His soon return. Needless to say my heart breaks to see a country I love being destroyed right before my eyes. I have come to realize that all this has been in the making for a long time.
Once again much thanks to you for what you do to keep us informed,
Much blessings and heartfelt love to you and your family, prayers for continued healing!

Linda said...

Oh no on your husband's accident, glad he wasn't hurt etc...and I have no doubt the next plandemic will take place. Oh, and my mom said she has a sneaky suspicion that Michelle Obama will enter, and Obama will get another term. Scary, right?

Donna said...

I am SO worried about all the terrorist that have come across the borders...and are just waiting...election time?

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...