Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 8, 2024


We had a lovely snow day on Saturday. We had about an inch to an inch and a half of the lovely white stuff. It changed over to rain late in the night but we still had some white on the ground until the afternoon on Sunday. 

This meant, of course that we were doing indoor work. We are slowly putting our room together, and finally got our curtains hung. It's amazing how cozy the room felt with just that change!

In the living room we still have Christmas up, but its coming down today.

This photo shows real living in a home, laundry, cords, a towel on the coffee table, our cat in his current favorite spot to sleep. Can you see him? Look at the chair with the plaid blanket.

Tim worked on insulation in the ceiling of the basement under mom and dad's suite, on Saturday as well.

 We didn't have any of our grand-girlies with us on Sunday, which was very strange. We did invite a young married guy home for lunch yesterday. His wife is in South Africa on a dance tour ministry trip.

I had a family pack of chicken thighs cooking in the crock pot, and when we got home from church, I transferred them to the over to crisp up a bit. I seasoned them with salt and pepper, Italian seasoning, nutritional yeast, garlic powder and chili powder. I just shake the seasoning over the chicken, I don't measure anything.

Meanwhile mom and Kyle made mashed potatoes, I cooked some chicken gravy, green beans, and put some crescent rolls in the oven.

Wes and Rachel called and said they were coming for lunch too, and they stopped to bring ice cream for dessert.

We had enough chicken for everyone to have one piece, but there was plenty of food with the potatoes, green beans, and rolls. It was all delicious.

After lunch Wes, Rachel, and our friend left for home, Sarah and Kyle both went to their rooms, and mom and dad went 'home' too. Tim and I sat in the living room and 'read' - well, we napped too!

It was a great day.

The sun is shining today, which is lovely. I am working on my notes for a talk I am giving tomorrow (if it's not cancelled due to heavy  rain and wind) for a mom's group from our church. I love to encourage women, especially young moms. If it's cancelled, I'll share in February.

Be encouraged friends!


Linda said...

You are always 'redeeming the time.' Your snow does look pretty! I woke up to a huge thunderstorm this morning! SO loud and yet Louis Dean slept right through!

Marilyn @ MountainTopSpice said...

I love to have large Sunday dinners, too - so wonderful to have family and friends to join - and for your parents now to be able to join you for meals and yet still have their own space - what a blessing this is! I love the idea of multi-generational living. May the Lord bless your talk to the young women, I know He will! Many blessings to you dear friend!

Kim said...

It sounds like a lovely, relaxing and family/ friends filled Sunday. What could be better?

Donna said...

Glad you had a great time with family! I'll bet the food was delicious...
I spy the kitty! lolol

Anonymous said...

It sounds like a lovely weekend . . . and now another one is upon us! Time flies right on by me these days!

You're right. A small change or completed project can make such a difference. So you're back in the large bedroom, right? Are you making changes in it? We took our Christmas decor down on Monday evening. We had left everything in place until we had Ron's family over for a visit and it was fine. But then, after the party was over, it was not fine and I was ready to take it down and simplify.

I hope that your talk went well and that the young moms were encouraged!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...