Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Last Day of April

April was a very busy month for us. Lots of activities, appointments, and opportunities to extend hospitality.

Sometimes as the old saying goes, "It's feast or famine" as far as certain activities are concerned. This past weekend I went to two teas! Friday night was the spring tea at my Mom's church. Rachel and I attended with her. We sat with two ladies in my mom's age range named Emma and Janie. Isn't that cute? I loved their names. They were friendly and we had an enjoyable time.

Saturday our kids ministry hosted a Mom and Me tea! The girls were ages 7 and down and they attended with their mommies! Janae our kids ministry leader, did an amazing job decorating and planning it. They all had tea and treats first. Most drank Irish Breakfast tea or Vanilla Comoro. I had Peppermint and Chamomile available as well. I was the tea brewer and pourer and we had a server. Some of the littlest girls had apple juice in their tea cups.

Janae also had some paper tea cups for the very littlest. I brought four small real tea cups and then a variety of cups. We also had punch later, while they were doing their activities. They could plant a flower, paint fingernails, paint a wooden animal, and make a bracelet.

Kay brought all of the girls, and they had to leave a bit early to get to Klaire's softball game.

Early in April we had a sweet family from church over for lunch. I got to hold their baby girl, and get some sweet snuggles in. 

Our kitchen is the hub of all daily life and hospitality. I am so grateful for it every day.

I was looking through old photos, trying to find a certain photo of my grandmother, when I came across this gem.

All my babies. Obviously that is baby Kyle, the others are 16, 13, 11, 6, and 3. Sweet memories.

 With the addition I've had to find places for some of my plants. This one used to be on a shelf by our sliding doors to the deck and now it is in the front window. I think it is doing well there.

This plant is delightful. Purplish under leaves and the tops look painted. I have since repotted this into a clay pot, but it is still in this spot in the living room. It is thriving.

I hope you all are thriving, too.

May begins a busy birthday month. Dad's birthday is Sunday, Mom's in on the 15th, just after Mother's day on the 12th. Nate's birthday is on the 24th, and Rachel's is on the 31st. 

Fun times ahead in May!

Saturday, April 27, 2024

Information Friday


I'm loving my deck flowers. Twice in the last few weeks, we've had frost overnight so we've had to bring the flowers into the house!

As usual, there is a lot going on. I'm trying to keep this post manageable for you all to read.

Read this article {here}.

At least it isn't just the innocent citizens being harmed. They deserve to suffer the consequences of their own choices. Choices that we all have to live with.

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

This And That


Marketplace has been good to me once again! I found this darling loveseat for $40! It's clean with no stains. The cushion covers come off so we gave them a washing as soon as we got home with it. It's a hit with everyone who has sat in it so far; Tim and I, the grandgirls, Sarah and I, our cat Watson. He's used it the most so far!

It may be moving to a different spot in the living room, but today while I was out on a fieldtrip, my guys moved the desk, computer, and cabinet to the room we are using as an office now. They were on this wall where the loveseat is currently. 

Of course the artwork has to move and we need a side table or two as well. Bit by bit our space is getting cozier and cozier!

Our church kids ministry leader came over this morning to talk tea. We are having a Mom and Me tea at church hosted by the Kid's ministry on Saturday. Funny thing is I'm going with Mom to her church's ladies tea on Friday evening!

Anyway, I made tea and scones to munch while we discussed what she wanted to use of my tea things. I'm bringing cups, tea pots, and a punch bowl. 

After she went on her way, Kayleigh and I took the girls down to the park alongside the Conowingo Dam and watched the Bald Eagles! There are so many and you can watch them fly, dive for fish, sit on a tree branch or land in their nests. Very cool.

I hope you had a great weekend, and are doing well. We must continue to pray for our nation, and to live our lives as well as we can. Don't give into fear. Fear is a liar and keeps us slaves.

See you again on Friday!

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Information Friday (on Saturday)


Hi everyone! Sorry I couldn't get this written and posted for Friday, but here it is on Saturday!

These are dahlias and they are apart of my deck flowers this year. So beautiful!

I want to start out with a great testimony from Scottie Scheffler the 2024 Masters Champion.

So basically, she gave testimony to the J6 committee then afterward she changed her testimony. J6 hid that fact. Also why would she change her testimony?

I guess Bennie realizes that all their lying with the J6 committee didn't get Trump, if they can get him in prison they can have him killed by an immate. Hmmm

They are still scheming in New York.

Despite the efforts to hide the side effects of the Jab, the truth is coming out.

Never forget that DJT tried to get the awareness about Hydroxychloroquine out into the public, and Fauci and company and the media shut that talk down. This medication which was, and is used, for many, many years was safe but they tried to make people afraid of it. They only wanted the jab.

This tweet was from March 21, 2020 - The beginning of Covid!

Joe's campaign saw Trump's successful Bodega visit went, and tried a visit to Sheetz while he was in Pennsylvania. Not the same!

If you are on X and would like to see a video about Operation Mockingbird click {here}.

Click {here} to watch former FBI chief Ted Gunderson speak about blackmailing politicians.

Click {here} to watch former FBI special agent John Desouza speak about Project Blue Beam.

Have a great weekend!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...