Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 12, 2024

Information Friday

 We are having a very rainy spring. Today it is windy, as well. Thankful that the temperatures are mild!

My Daffodils got hammered but the Bleeding Heart looks good!

Where to start today with information.

I think I'll start with abortion and Trump's statement. I'm sure there are several readers here who are waiting to see what I have to say about this.

I am fully prolife. I believe that life begins at conception. Tim and I have supported Align Life Ministries financially for nearly twenty years. 

My hope and prayer is that abortion would become unthinkable as an option whether there is a law or not. 

My views on government involvement in this issue are that it is right that Roe be overturned. That took it from a Federal law, and returned the issue of abortion to the states. This is the right thing, as now the citizens of each state can choose. Some states will be no abortion, some will have limits, hopefully. 

Again, my hope would be that ALL abortion would become REPUGNANT! 

As a citizen of our Republic, I want to take the responsibility to care for people, regardless of what the law is. Again, may we live to see the day that the majority of American's can't imagine taking the life of a person in the womb.

This was how they were able to start the Russian Collusion farce.

Will any of them have consequences? Perhaps when Trump is back in office, but of course, they'll try to say he's just getting payback. Adam Schiff is so worried he's already saying Trump will throw him in jail! Only because you've done criminal things Schiff! They are trying to create a narrative so that Trump's admin wouldn't prosecute them.

Remember to pray. So many leading our nation have been corrupted, but I believe we will win the fight for the soul of our nation.


Linda said...

Oh, my goodness! Thank you for all your research and sharing so much invaluable information! You are a bright shining light of truth and I appreciate all that you do to keep us informed. Love and prayers for you, Deanna! Thank you for all your hard work in keeping us informed.

Donna said...

I agree with you...States rights should prevail. And I am also pro-life!
Happy weekend!

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