Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, April 5, 2024

Information Friday



Happy Friday, Friends.

Again, there is so much going on and it's hard to narrow down information for you.

Let's start with Biden.

He started the week off with declaring March 31, 2024 (Easter this year) as Trans Visibility Day. Then later in the week he said he didn't do that. Read about that {here}.

Biden Administration changing their support for Israel. They want Bibi out, I believe.

Is Mike Johnson being blackmailed?

This is where our money is going...

For those who have believed the media stories about Trump, I hope you are beginning to see that those against him are in positions of power with the courts, and in the dem party. 

This should happen. They controlled the narrative and hid testimonies that exonerated Trump. This is illegal and treasonous. They destroyed documents as well which is illegal.

If you never look at any news besides the msm including Fox, you believe the lies.

Many states are now making changes that are good for their citizens.

I've included a video here at the end that is a part of a series by Tom Klingenstein on YT. It is about 8 minutes long. I think it is informative.

Happy Weekend!

1 comment:

Donna said...

How have the American liberals not seen through all his lies??
I'm baffled that half this nation is so damn stupid. Liberalism is a cult.

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