Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 16, 2024


 We had a fun weekend filled with friends, who are like family, and friends we are just getting to know well.

Friday, Tim and I were invited to the wedding of our dear friends daughter. She's our friend, too, and grew up spending Sunday afternoons at our home. They are family!

The wedding was at a venue about an hour away, in an area where friends live, but we've never explored it much. We decided to head out early, and spent sometime driving around.

Completed in 1908 at a cost of $50,000, this pagoda was intended to be the hotel/restaurant centerpiece of a luxury       resort. When plans for the rest of the resort were abandoned, the 7-story wooden building on 10 acres (4.0 ha) of land was donated to Reading in 1911. It is now part of the Mount Penn Preserve, 1,595 acres (645 ha) of municipally-owned land.

The view is pretty great, too. I'd love to see the view at night. All the lights would be pretty!

I loved seeing the old houses from the 20's and 30's as well.

The wedding venue was in an old warehouse, that has been made into rental spaces. It looked as if one room was set up as a meeting space with a large table and chairs. The wedding was upstairs and had lovely wooden floors and big windows with tons of natural light.

The wedding was a real family affair. The groom had been best friends with two of the brides' older brothers. They were best man and one of the groomsmen. The brides' only sister was the maid of honor. 

It was a joy to celebrate with them!

On Saturday we did little projects around the house, and I picked up a grocery order.

On Sunday, we had friends from church over for lunch and the afternoon. It's great getting to know people with whom you worship God!

Thankful for God's protection on DJT yesterday. 

I hope your weekend was good.

Thursday, September 12, 2024

Information Friday


Early Autumn is here in our area, and it is looking and feeling more autumnal all the time.

DJT spoke at the Economic Club of New York and Dan Scavino shared his main points in easily digestible bites.

Warning to all those who are thinking of cheating...

These people are rewarded in the private sector for things they did while working in Government. Corruption.

The Afghanistan pullout was a disaster. Biden is cognitively impaired, and went against advice from the military, NATO, and the Afghan leadership. Didn't follow the plan from Trump. 

Who really dislikes our military? Hint - it's not Trump!

She will say whatever is expedient in the moment. She lied at the debate, more than once.

We are going to a wedding tomorrow afternoon. The daughter of dear friends is marrying. It is sweet to be invited to celebrate this momentous occasion with the family.

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

Sunday, September 8, 2024


 We had a nice weekend, with some rain on Saturday, but mostly sunny on Sunday. Good thing too, as we had an outdoor service, and Kamryn had a softball game.

September is usually warm and sunny, but it has been cool and sunny. It was 60 degrees at church time this morning and I was grateful I had dressed appropriately for the chilly weather.

We had a meal after church, and then Tim and I went to Kamryn's softball game.

Kenny came into the van with me - we were parked so I could see the game - and 'drove' me places. She said, "Grandma, say "Mom, why are you driving so slow." So I asked her, "Mom, why are you driving so slow?" She responded, "Cause that's what Mom's do!" LOL!

Klaire drove me, too!

I love to see Tim and Nate enjoying time together. Doesn't get to happen too often with their busy schedules!

Kamryn played well today, and is enjoying softball more every season!

I'm posting late on Sunday night because I have to leave early tomorrow to take my parents to the VA. Dad is having appointments in preparation for a heart valve replacement later this month.

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Autumn. I got my ceramic pumpkins out and I will begin adding the fall throws and pillows in the living room.

I'd love to hear how you decorate for this glorious season!

Friday, September 6, 2024

Information Friday


The light is already softer, and the farms around us are harvesting their corn and tobacco. Autumn is here and I'm just fine with that. 

It's only 8 weeks until the election and I am telling you things are wild! Information is coming out everywhere!

What is the most recent thing that you've learned that you didn't know before about elections, or the candidates themselves?

This is huge! Fox got a "loan" from China to pay their out of court settlement to Dominion. This was for daring to say that there was fraud in the 2020 election. It's been proven now.

Interesting though that Harris is campaigning on being (supposedly) pro fracking, building the wall to secure our border etc. Here is what CNN had to say about Harris and the wall.

What a difference hatred of Donald Trump makes, eh?

Socialism has long been their goal. Trump interrupted their plan and that is why they hate him. He's trying to actually bring the people back to having the power in the country and not the politicians.  

Let's keep praying for all of our leaders!

My question for those of you with Trump Derangement Syndrome is, Do you want to be a socialist nation? Do you think that perhaps the uniparty have lied about Trump?

We have a lot to do to save our country. If America falls so does the world. Pray!


  We had a fun weekend filled with friends, who are like family, and friends we are just getting to know well. Friday, Tim and I were invite...