Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 16, 2024


 We had a fun weekend filled with friends, who are like family, and friends we are just getting to know well.

Friday, Tim and I were invited to the wedding of our dear friends daughter. She's our friend, too, and grew up spending Sunday afternoons at our home. They are family!

The wedding was at a venue about an hour away, in an area where friends live, but we've never explored it much. We decided to head out early, and spent sometime driving around.

Completed in 1908 at a cost of $50,000, this pagoda was intended to be the hotel/restaurant centerpiece of a luxury       resort. When plans for the rest of the resort were abandoned, the 7-story wooden building on 10 acres (4.0 ha) of land was donated to Reading in 1911. It is now part of the Mount Penn Preserve, 1,595 acres (645 ha) of municipally-owned land.

The view is pretty great, too. I'd love to see the view at night. All the lights would be pretty!

I loved seeing the old houses from the 20's and 30's as well.

The wedding venue was in an old warehouse, that has been made into rental spaces. It looked as if one room was set up as a meeting space with a large table and chairs. The wedding was upstairs and had lovely wooden floors and big windows with tons of natural light.

The wedding was a real family affair. The groom had been best friends with two of the brides' older brothers. They were best man and one of the groomsmen. The brides' only sister was the maid of honor. 

It was a joy to celebrate with them!

On Saturday we did little projects around the house, and I picked up a grocery order.

On Sunday, we had friends from church over for lunch and the afternoon. It's great getting to know people with whom you worship God!

Thankful for God's protection on DJT yesterday. 

I hope your weekend was good.


Monica said...

sound like a nice weekend! I too am thankful for the protection God provides for DJT! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Kim said...

What a sweet love story and that kiss picture is one for the album. I love your outfit as well. I love that red- big surprise! Haha!!

Cheryl said...

Sweet times, this weekend. I love weddings! And puttering around the house . . . and lunch with friends!

Samuel & Lois said...

The pagoda! A childhood memory and a favorite place to visit! I grew up within 10-15 miles of the pagoda and we'd go there in the evenings more often than the daytime, and yes, the lights were great!!

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