Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, September 8, 2024


 We had a nice weekend, with some rain on Saturday, but mostly sunny on Sunday. Good thing too, as we had an outdoor service, and Kamryn had a softball game.

September is usually warm and sunny, but it has been cool and sunny. It was 60 degrees at church time this morning and I was grateful I had dressed appropriately for the chilly weather.

We had a meal after church, and then Tim and I went to Kamryn's softball game.

Kenny came into the van with me - we were parked so I could see the game - and 'drove' me places. She said, "Grandma, say "Mom, why are you driving so slow." So I asked her, "Mom, why are you driving so slow?" She responded, "Cause that's what Mom's do!" LOL!

Klaire drove me, too!

I love to see Tim and Nate enjoying time together. Doesn't get to happen too often with their busy schedules!

Kamryn played well today, and is enjoying softball more every season!

I'm posting late on Sunday night because I have to leave early tomorrow to take my parents to the VA. Dad is having appointments in preparation for a heart valve replacement later this month.

I hope you are enjoying the beginning of Autumn. I got my ceramic pumpkins out and I will begin adding the fall throws and pillows in the living room.

I'd love to hear how you decorate for this glorious season!


Donna said...

What a cute little chauffeur you have there! lol
Lovely day!

Estelle's said...

It's the time of year to be outside as much as possible...I am sure y'all are experiencing beautiful weather....cannot wait to see your home during the autumn season!

Monica said...

It was a beautiful weekend. We could sure use some rain here in mid mo! It's great that Kamryn is enjoying softball! It was our daughters fave sport as well. Praying all goes well with your father's heart valve replacement!

Kim said...

I love your new festive header photos. The colors are beautiful...and I was laughing at the car conversation. Little kids say the funniest things. I think that's what I miss most about having littles of my own and teaching. You must giggle all the time!

Linda said...

We are spending a good bit of time outside these September days.
Love how you and your family do LIFE!
I need to take Louis Dean to the VA office and see about getting him signed up for benefits. He remembers his dogtag# bit not his date of discharge.

Cheryl said...

What fun in the car with the little grands! Making memories! I will be praying for your dad with his upcoming surgery. I have delayed decorating for fall since we had one more "summer" event this past Sunday. Now I'm starting to gather a few pumpkins and gourds. We bought mums last night and will pot them this evening. It is time!

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...