Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, September 25, 2015

Autumn: Fair Time

One of our annual rituals is a trip to our local Ag Fair in West Lampeter.  It's not a flashy fair with parades or rides, it is our favorite though.

My kids used to do rodeo events on Fridays, but we haven't for a few years now.  Still we try to get to the fair at least onetime during its three days.

Yesterday Emma, Rachel and I took Kyle and Kamryn.  They had a great time getting free candy, chips, balloons from the many booths of local businesses or churches.  Some booths are set up with activities like this one with a rock wall.

There are also many categories to enter such as kids collections, art, different sewing categories, photography, growing flowers, vegetables, baking.  My kids have won ribbons here for photography in years past.

Here were some things that caught my eye.

 This was a children's category entry.  It one a first place.

All the quilts are behind plastic, which I understand but it's hard to photograph.

One of our local dairies had a fake cow to milk. Kamryn did this for a long time!  
You can see they have a 'corn hole' type game in the back with ice cream cones.

 We watched some of the 4H kids presenting their calves.  This gal was the only one in this category.  

 My favorite little goats!

Kamryn loves animals.  She has no fear, she just went right up and climbed up to reach the camel!

Do you have a local fair that you go to?


Theresa said...

I DO love a fair! That one looks like lots of fun! The cross-stitch is awesome and OH MY those quilts are wonderful! Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

podso said...

We don't have fairs nearby but if this fair was local I'm sure we would enjoy going. That milking of the cow looks like the real deal!

Vee said...

Looks like a fun day! We used to attend a Common Ground Fair, but it got a little whacky and "green" for me. We still love the Fryeburg Fair, though we are not planning to attend this year.

Love those goats...the most adorable ones I have ever seen. Kamryn is so cute enjoying the experiences and the animals. She might be a farm gal in the making.

I believe that the quilts at Fryeburg are behind plexiglass...plastic would really make photography a challenge.

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

We used to attend fall fairs when our kids were young and one of my favourites was where my cousin competed with his persherons. That particular fair also had sheep herding which was fun to watch. Hubby and I don't go any more though.
I love to see the quilts but here they hang them and are roped off.
Have a good weekend Deanna.

Linda said...

WHAT a great post!!! So much fun and I loved getting to see it all through your eyes! My FAVORITE was the little video! It makes me know you are all REAL people!!! I loved hearing the voices and laughter......good times!

Cheryl said...

Cutest. Goats. Ever.
Oh my goodness!! :D

Tim said...

good little climber! she cruised across that wall pretty easily.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I love the videos too!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Kamryn nearly climbed over that other little boy! She climbed up and took off! She went so quick I didn't get the first part of her climb!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Kamryn loves animals! I haven't met one she doesn't like. She loves to come to our house with the dog and cat, 2 horses and 15 chickens!

The plastic is a bummer for getting a good photo.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

I think so too!

Information Friday

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