Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Books: I Am Seriously Addicted

Hi, my name is Deanna and I am addicted to books.  In the last week I have bought many books.  I am not helped in this addiction because my daughter is likewise addicted and likes to make trips to our library used book store.  We justify it by the fact that we are helping to fund the library.  We are community minded, you know.

Then I popped into a favorite antique store, the kind with many vendors, looking for tea cups for a friend of mine who I am helping with a huge decorating project.  I saw a few things for her but I also always look at one vendor who sells old books.  They often have Landmark books, which I like to collect.  This day they didn't have any Landmark but they did have Louisa May Alcott's "Eight Cousins" and a book I've been eyeing about Valley Forge.  

 The Elizabeth Goudge book I found at the Clay Bookstore.  I was near there on Monday, having gone to my doctors office for my annual thyroid check.  I've bought all these lovely Grace Livingston Hill books there too, but this week only the one titled "Maris."  These are easy reading books, but I love the descriptions of the homes, and the home keeping that she always includes in her stories.

While at the antique store I found two books about Tasha Tudor.  
 This one, which I have read through the library before and enjoyed and one about historical crafts.  That one is going to a friend who live on the other side of the continental United States from me.  I wasn't going to buy it but she came to mind and so I bought it.  I messaged her and she did not have it.  She's had some stress lately, so I see it as a God prompt.  He brought her to mind, and wants to bless her through this book, so I have it all wrapped and read to mail.

I think mail should be beautiful, too!

I have been trying to find these books by Elizabeth Goudge, after having come across the third book of this series a few years ago.  I bought that book very inexpensively and found out it was one of the harder to find ones.  Well, this week at the Clay Bookstore, I found book 2 and 3!  I am keeping book 2 and sending book 3 to another dear friend, along with a few Gladys Taber books, and some fun items from the dollar spot in Target for her birthday.  Her birthday was months ago, but I collect things as I go, and I knew I wanted to send some Taber books, I just needed to get a chance to go to the right bookstore again.  Anyway, this makes her birthday celebration stretch out!

So my confession is complete.  It's not all so bad since I am sharing them with others, right?

Do you buy books?  What kind do you like?  Old, new, fiction, non?


Rebecca said...

I, too, am "seriously addicted" Mostly I buy non-fiction, but I'm up for most anything :)

Estelle's said...

Oh how I loved this post Deanna...I'm with you...old books, vintage books...heirlooms...what a treasured find on the Tasha Tudor!

Vee said...

Sounds very positive and friendly to me! You have some good ones! Blessed you and blessed friends!

Farrah said...

I do the same! Tasha Tudor books are some of my favorite, including that one. I prefer old books yet purchase modern biographies and career advice books for my husband.

Lorrie said...

Raising my hand as another book addict. You found some great books there!

podso said...

You found some good books. Any time you find a Goudge I'd say it's a good day! Love Pilgrim's Inn but have not read the other two in the series. My grandmother had probably every book GLH ever wrote and when I was a kid I spent our summer weeks at her house reading them. They are good stories, and like you, I loved the descriptions in them of homes, etc.

Theresa said...

I also love books, I buy OLD books and colorful books for vignettes in my house:) Enjoy your day dear friend, HUGS!

Heather said...

I am addicted too! I love books! You found some great ones! I love to give books as gifts too!

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