Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Happy September!

From several years ago on my deck.

 For many of us, September marks the beginning of the autumn season though the official first day is September 23rd.

We are having one of the hottest weeks we've had this summer, which is a bummer because last week was a perfect preview of early autumn - warm days, no humidity and beautifully cool nights.  Too bad we couldn't have reversed the weeks temperatures since we have an outdoor wedding this weekend!

At least we have a tent and we can bring fans out if we need to circulate air.  Right now the forecast is for 79 degrees and partly sunny.  If the humidity is down, it will be lovely.

The early changing trees have their tinge of autumn on them and along the roadsides the sumac are changing.  It's so pretty.  The fields of pumpkins are nearly ready, and the mums are for sale along with the purple asters.  I love this time of year.

Right now I am immersed in red, black and white, which are the wedding colors.

This summer seems to be quiet-ish in the blogging world.  I know that there are a lot of concerns about the economy, and the culture.  Big changes have occurred in such a short period of time.  I hope to be a voice of encouragement.   Even as we need to tighten the purse strings, we can still live a joy filled life.  More on this in the days to come.

Four more days until the big day!


Ginny said...

Just want you to know how much I enjoy your blog. It's like a breath of fresh air! If I ever get back to Lancaster County, which is my favorite place to visit, I will definitely contact you to see if we could meet in person. Maybe over tea!

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Ginny! That would be delightful! Let's do it!

Elizabeth said...

I am so ready for autumn! I will be bringing out my fall decor very soon!I hope the weather is just perfect for the wedding! I look forward to your post!

Rebecca said...

Hmmmm. 79 degrees is doable! (Sure has been humid & hot here the past few days....)
I look forward to mutual encouragement in the coming days. Indeed, joy is NOT dependent on circumstances. This will no doubt be tested & proved as we face more and more challenges.

Tim said...

I can't wait till it feels like fall in Nashville. 79 sounds real nice for a wedding. I love the wedding colors..same as Karmyn and my wedding way back in '86. We don't have any mums around here yet. Take care ya'll.

It's great said...

This is really a wonderful post.

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