Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Scottish Festival

We woke to typically Scottish weather.  Cloudy, with a light drizzle.  Up early for a rainy Saturday we were heading to the Scottish Festival being held 15 minutes from our house.  My dad met us here and we headed out.

The festival supports the oldest Scots Covenanter Church in North America.  As you can imagine it takes a lot to keep up old buildings.  This one was built in 1754, but rebuilt in the 1800's.  Over the years they added a school room on as well.  It is no longer in use but has been refurbished after years of sitting empty.  

Last year was the first year for the festival and it has grown this year.  They had highland games, a piping competition, musical performances by Charlie Zahm, Fire In The Glen, and other local performers.  The Washington Memorial Pipe Band performed, and accompanied the Campbell School of Scottish Dance.  There were vendors, and clan tents as well as a company called Fresh Steel that showed broadsword fighting, fighting with dirks, and we got to see chain mail up close.

We had a lot of fun meeting members of Clan Donald (my family were sept to the clan for centuries, and the bards of the clan), met a nice lady at the Campbell clan's tent, too.  Tim's mother is a Campbell through her mother's side.  If you know anything about Scottish history, the McDonald's and the Campbell's were kind of like the Hatfield's and the McCoy's in American history.  People are always surprised and they laugh when they hear that I am from the McDonald's and Tim is from the Campbell's!  Once a man commented about us being married, "Not to each other!?"

 Kyle is holding a reproduction Claymore.  They are tall and heavy, and you don't sword fight with them.  You swing them around your head and do damage to the enemy that way.

This is Justin, and member of Clan Donald.  He looked smart in his dress shirt, tie, vest and kilt.

There was a wreath laying ceremony at the grave of a Revolutionary soldier.

The start of the Opening Ceremonies.

If you can't tell what they are doing, they are tossing a caber!

The rain was intermittent and didn't bother us that much, as it was very light.  We left after 2:00 this afternoon and since then it has been pouring!

We had a great time at this festival and will be going again next year.  It is 


Terra said...

I am sure I would enjoy that festival. The Claymore sword is impressive and I can see how they would be used, as you described. Imagine you two marrying and finding a way of peace going forward for your clans.

Vee said...

It enigmatic! Kyle's sword certainly looks as if it could do a lot of damage. So obviously, you and Tim are long over that ancient and ongoing battle. Have you ever even discussed it?

Cheryl said...

This event looks to be right up your alley!!
Giggling at Vee's comment! :D

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

This is timely for me to enjoy Deanna as our Celtic Festival that would have been held Saturday too was cancelled due to lack of funds. Too bad, because I enjoyed the music, dancing, competitions and food vendors. Last year I stood in the drizzling rain collecting food and money for the food bank our church runs in the community.

podso said...

Seems I may have started reading your blog around the time you took that trip with your father. Every year we think we should go to the Scottish games up in the mountains but never do. We aren't even Scottish but I know they would be enjoyable. We have a young bagpiper who does really well and plays for special occasions at our church. And I know an 8 year old who is beginning lessons!

Lee Ann said...

that looks like loads of fun!

Linda said...

My Amber lived in Scotland for a year and we visited them there for the whole month of December! We love all things Scottish and all four of her quads have Scottish names!

donald and becki said...

I hope that you will come to our festival again this year!

Information Friday

  The weather is turning milder, and next week is going to be warm! I can't wait to get busy in the garden again. This video is "gr...