Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, September 14, 2015

Home Keeping: Flannel Sheets

With our days sunny and warm, and the nights chilly, its time to bring out the flannel sheets.  I have left the coverlet on for now, but as autumn comes and deepens the comforter will be brought out and I put the coverlet away for until summer.

I enjoy this annual changing from cotton sheets to the flannel ones. How about you?


Melissa G said...

I do too! We just found some pretty flannel sheets at Costco.

Linda said...

I change out to flannel the first of October!
Deanna, thank ou for all your kind comments over the past I don't know how long! I clicked on your comment tonight - or in the early hours of this morning! - and discovered YOUR blog and now I'm your newest follower! I am wondering if I followed in the past and somehow lost you. At any rate......I will NOT be missing another one of your posts and hope to be at least half the friend to you that you have been to me!

Cheryl said...

I love how you change your bed from season to season...and it looks so pretty and welcoming in every one!

(As much as I love the look and the idea of flannel sheets, we can't sleep in them. They feel like velcro when you want to turn over!) :)

Theresa said...

Warm and cozy, works for me:) Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Pam said...

I'm not one who is a big fan of flannel sheets but I do bring out the heavier quilts once the weather begins cooling off. Just did that yesterday. One heavy quilt is enough for now.

Grace & Peace.

Elizabeth said...

I love flannel sheets also, but not time to bring them out yet in Florida! The red is so pretty !

janice15 said...

Had forgotten about them mama had several.. Last night was the first night i felt chilled. I just have a light blanket and lite quilt blanket.. Its surely a time for changing the bedding love your bed . Happy Autumn with love Janice

Ginny said...

Flannel sheets don't get put on my bed until it gets much colder, like in late November or December, especially since one set has snowmen on it! I do have a heated mattress pad that I can use if it is chilly when I get into bed. I was thinking of mending my extra blanket and putting it on the bed the next time I change the sheets. It's supposed to be warm through Saturday; I find the bedroom is too warm at night since it's on the second floor and gets the afternoon and evening sun.

Your bed is always so pretty and looks so cozy.

podso said...

Wow, we're not ready for flannel sheets yet! (We never are down here, actually!) I love the cheery red!

Karen Andreola said...

I see that you are partial to red and especially an accent of red roses. I am, too. Your collection looks warm and bright.

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