Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Sunday, September 6, 2015

Wedding: Preview

I told Lindsay that I would wait until she edited the wedding photos before showing you any 'official' photos.  These were all taken with cell phones by my friend Amy, except for the first photo.  Tim or I took it, I honestly don't remember!

 Kayleigh looked beautiful on her wedding day!  She always dreamed of wearing her favorite color, and she found a great dress that was just right.  I did the flowers for the wedding.   We had a bit of a crisis with her bouquet that I'll tell you about sometime.

 Tim and I are so proud of these two!  He is our son, and she is officially our daughter now.

 This little beauty had a big day!  See her cute red shoes peeking out?   Lindsay has some great photos of Kamryn, and I can't wait to show you.

We did desserts for the reception and so we bought a simple cake from Costco.  They loved it and you'll be happy to know they did NOT shove cake into each others' face.  

We are exhausted, but happy.  We got to spend time with family and dear friends.  Some came all the way from Missouri and also from Texas.  It's such a gift to us.

More to come....


Lorrie said...

So glad all went well. You shared some lovely bits and pieces with us. Hope you can relax for a bit.

podso said...

A beautiful shade of red! And a wonderful preview! I'm sure you are tired, but what happy memories for you. Wow does your son look like his dad!

Theresa said...

Can't wait to hear more and about the wedding and see more pictures! Beautiful picture of your Son and new Daughter:) Love the bouquet! Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Sherry said...

such a beautiful bride - that is sure her color!!
i'm seriously impressed by the bouquet you created.
so happy for your family, and especially the newlyweds
and their sweet little daughter with the red shoes. :)

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

It all looks beautiful. Well done without spending a fortune. I hope Labor Day finds you free of labor!

Cheryl said...

So glad you were able to give us a sneak peek!! Crisis with the bouquet? It doesn't show! It is gorgeous!

Congratulations to all of you! Can't wait to see the "official" pics!

Rebecca said...

I AM happy to know they didn't shove cake into each others' face :)
The cake was beautiful and I liked all the touches of red in these photos.
Looking forward to seeing more.

Phyllis said...

It was a great day. Can't wait to see the rest of the pictures. Kamryn is a beauty and did a great job as flower girl!!!

Judith @ Lavender Cottage said...

Lovely photos and I got to see your dress for the occasion, yay! All the ladies in dresses are pretty!
Hope you can show lots more photos, you know how us women love weddings.

Karen Andreola said...

Congratulations to the family. It looks like it was a beautiful day all around.

Vee said...

So glad that all went well. The bouquet looks great so whatever problems with it worked out. Kamryn is such a cutie pie and must have been so excited. Many good wishes for a long and happy marriage to the newlyweds!

Information Friday

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