Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, January 30, 2017

This Is What's Missing

This is such a hard thing to do, but as I read this on Saturday morning I was reminded that we forgive, extend grace, etc, not because a person is worthy of it.  We do those things for God's sake - because He asks us to.  Ultimately it is for our good, as well.

He reveals Himself to us in each situation that comes our way - 

"I am your healer"

"I am your protector"

I am your comfort"

"I am your father"

"I am your friend"

What a precious gift of Himself He gives to us.  


Sylvia said...

Oh you are so right, Deanna. We do forget sometimes and let different beliefs get in the way of showing Love. Love heals all, if we'd only remember that. Obeying God show always be a priority !

Estelle's said...

I know God is guiding us these days...if only others knew it too!

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

Yes!! Yes!!

Christine said...

~~~ ** AMEN!!!** ~~~

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