Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, January 31, 2017

This And That

We had a fun Sunday.  After church we drove about an hour to visit with our friends, whom we hadn't seen in months!  My friend and I meet for lunch, sometimes, and text but we hadn't seen each other as families in forever!  We had such a great time.  I love friendships where you just pick right back up with them!  We laughed, caught up on news, we girls went to a LuLaRoe popup party, ate food, just hung out.  I really needed that visit.

Oh, and bad blogger me.  I took no photos.

Yesterday, Kayleigh and the girls hung out here for the afternoon.  It was fun.  Kay is a very good crocheter, and brought a baby blanket she is working on in gray and pink.  It's really looking great.

Kamryn and Klaire had some fun with Snapchat.

Sisters!  So sweet!

I went to a meeting for our homeschool co-op last night.  We were planning classes for next year.  I can't believe I'll have two kids in the oldest group. We call them 7-Ups, because its grades 7-12th.  My baby will be in this group!  Crazy.  Kamryn comes with us too, and she'll be in first grade!

Next month I'll be hosting a Mom's gathering here at the cottage for tea and conversation.  I really have a heart for moms, and love to encourage them.

I have plenty of tea cups for them to choose from!

With all the crazy stuff going on in the world, I am choosing to walk in peace.  If you find your FB newsfeed to stressful and angry, you can choose to hide posts.  There is a little arrow in the top right corner of a post that you can click on and a drop down menu will appear.  It will give you the option to hide all posts from that person WITHOUT unfriended them.  I've done this with a few people.  It helps me.

Let's face it - we choose what we allow into our homes.  You wouldn't allow protesters into your home with their signs and slogans in person, so too, you can chose to not let them in through your social media.  I do read news online, but I limit how much.  I don't let it feed me 24/7.  I step away, listen to music, read, talk with my kids, cook food, pray.


kozimom said...

That is good advice - to hide posts on fb. It can get overwhelming these days! I love that verse, too.

Vee said...

Wise advice. I am trying to figure out how to hide people on Instagram. Funny thing is, I started Instagram to follow Donald Trump's campaign photos over a year and a half ago. I'm not getting rid of him; I'd get rid of everyone else first and go back to what I was doing. Still pondering.

Rebecca said...

Your teacups are beautiful. Reminds me of a line I copied from a book I just finished reading: "…making beauty around you honors all of life. (from Frances Mayes’ Bringing Tuscany Home

I, too, am practicing what you "preach" in those last couple of paragraphs. As we're instructed in Proverbs, "Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it." (24:3)

Mrs. Chrissy T said...

What a wonderful idea. A tea for moms. I love it.

Terra said...

Your mom's gathering sounds like nurturing fun and I love your tea cups. Cute to call your older students 7-Ups.

podso said...

Pretty teacups and good thoughts.

Home Keeping

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