Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

A Committee of Vultures

Driving home from errands yesterday I happened upon this committee.  Being a quiet country road I stopped and took the first photo through my windshield.

I wasn't sure if they'd fly off, but I pulled up closer and took this photo out the passenger window.

They are not the prettiest things but I was reminded, as I drove off and one of the fence sitters joined the one on the ground, that they faithfully do the work God has assigned to them.

If it weren't for these birds, there would be a lot more dead creatures along the roads. These aren't the glory animals, like eagles, or herons, or even Canada geese, but they don't seem to care.

There's a lesson in this for all of us, I think, at least for me.  Am I faithfully serving the Lord in the role and place in this world He has placed me?


Theresa said...

Beautiful blue sky in the background and yes those birds have a purpose as we all do. Have a blessed day dear friend, HUGS!

Brenda@CoffeeTeaBooks said...

Whenever I see vultures, it makes me wonder why they are in that spot... as in, what has died? But I hadn't thought about the fact that they could just be hanging out, enjoying birdie conversations. :)

Vee said...

I am sure that you are and in a far more lovely way. My thoughts on vultures are much more dark than yours. I despise them with a red hot passion. Question: why are they becoming more prominent these days? Prior to a couple of decades ago, we never saw them.

Deanna said...

Sure liked this post. 'There's a lesson in this for all of us, I think, at least for me. Am I faithfully serving the Lord in the role and place in this world He has placed me?' So good to think on.

Kim said...

Neat photos! I have never seen a vulture up close. A family of bald eagles recently settled in our area and it's magnificent to see them soar over the water and my car. Although it can be a little startling. Those suckers are huge!!

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