Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Friday, February 1, 2019

Friday Five

Today's Five are things from our my home.

1. I'm still loving our bed!  It's a Lucid 12 inch gel memory foam mattress. You can find it here.  I'm still looking for a headboard and I plan to change the artwork over the bed.  This lovely watercolor of Williamsburg fit perfectly when we had a full size bed, but not so much any more.

2. I'm knitting a sweet baby girl blanket!  I'm loving this soft yarn  variegated pinks and greys.  Baby Brielle is due in March, and Lindsay and I are throwing her Mama a shower later this month.

3.  My ficus tree is doing well in front of the sliding french doors.  It's going to need a bigger pot this spring, but its got new growth happening in January.

4. Lindsay and Joseph are moving (more on that to come), so she's been sorting through her household belongings.  She gave me this small lamp, and its just the right size for the counter.  This spot is often the drop spot for mail, and other assorted items (like the small clipboard, coasters, and flashlight).  Trying to come up with a good solution for 18 years now!

5. A very short video showing Tim tossing boiling water out into the very cold air yesterday.  I know you've seen this many times on social media but it was fun to do it.

Sarah did work last night.  We took her in and ate dinner together, and then a co-worker brought her home.  I was happy to see that the roads were really clear, and dry.  That's what that sunny day yesterday accomplished!

I hope you have a lovely weekend.  Ours is going to be a quiet one I think.  We've been invited to a Super Bowl party, but I don't think we're going to go.  Sarah is going to a Super Bowl party with her young adults Bible study group.


Theresa said...

That little lamp is perfect to shine some light on the mail! We will be watching the Super Bowl right here at home. No partying for us either:) Enjoy your day and weekend dear friend, HUGS!

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

I love little lamps and they really add a sweet touch to a room in just the right spot! My hubby has a meeting at work on Sunday night so no Super Bowl for him. His boss made a huge mistake in scheduling the meeting on Super Bowl Sunday. He's a football fan too so he's not happy either. I had a ficus tree years ago. I've always liked them. Enjoy your weekend. It's very cold here right now. Blessings...Sandi

Lorrie said...

Little lamps add such a cozy glow to a room, much softer than overhead lighting. No Super Bowl here, but we're having a family party for a 5 year old boy! I'm glad the roads are better now. Stay warm!

Vee said...

Always nice to have light on the subject! I need a ton more lamps. I may have seen that little trick before, but I’ve never seen Tim tossing hot cold does it have to be?

Kim said...

Oh babies are wonderful and no better reason to make a blanket! Lovely...and I've never seen the water trick before. How cold was it outside?

Barb said...

We are in need of a new bed, such a hard decision! Your bed spread is beautiful, I love the red! Nothing better than a soft little snugly for a new baby! Your new lamp is beautiful, I love to have a little bright spot on the counter as well. I hope you are warming up, I can't believe how cold it was in your neck of the woods!!

Cheryl said...

What a sweet baby blanket that will be!! So Lindsay and Joseph are moving . . . now you have me wondering . . . :)

I'm glad the roads are safer now. As pretty as snow is outside my window, it is not so pretty to drive in. No Super Bowl here at our house either. But we may take advantage of a great Super Bowl takeout deal at our favorite pizza shop!

Mrs.T said...

The yarn is gorgeous! The boiling water trick was fun to see. And that sweet little lamp. So perfect for that spot!

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