Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Winter Evening Sky

The sky Sunday evening.  I love seeing the beauty of God's handiwork. It reminds me that there is more going on than the stuff in my life.  A bigger plan and purpose.  Looking at the sky helps me lift my eyes off myself, and to ask God how I can be a part of what He's doing in the world.

Update on my prayer request.  The young mama is now a patient too, as she had a seizure like episode, they were treating her for eclampsia, though her blood work was not showing that.  It was probably anxiety and stress.  She will probably be a patient for another day.  Baby is having x-rays to check out her digestive system.  She is unable to keep anything down.  Thank you for continuing to pray.


Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

What a beautiful sky! It is comforting to know that God is in charge of it all and we just need to have faith. That poor young mother is certainly having a hard time of it. Will pray for her, her baby and the rest of the family. Blessings...Sandi

Vee said...

Father, we find the answer to every need in Your Son and all that He has done for us. Thank you for protecting this precious family and we ask that, by Your mighty power and because of Your great love, You will restore this new mother and her little baby girl to excellent health. We pray comfort and perfect peace for the entire family as they support their loved ones.

I know, Deanna, that it is a great responsibility for you and this young woman’s extended church family as well. May the prayers of your extended online family help support you in standing alongside. Let us see all the good that The Lord will do!

Kim said...

Oh Deanna, I will continue to pray for both...and I have a little kitchen angel who holds a sign that says, "When in doubt, look up." Yes indeed...

podso said...

Gorgeous sky. How could one look at it and not realize there is Someone who created all that beauty and holds our world together? So sorry to hear about your young friend.

Tea and Friendship

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