Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, February 25, 2019

Prayer Request

We did not host a baby shower on Sunday because the wee girlie decided to arrive three weeks early!  That's where the prayer request comes in.  The sweet baby has had a few episodes of turning blue, and so she is in the NICU.  The poor young mama, exhausted after giving birth Friday night, and probably not eating or drinking enough, nearly passed out in the NICU last night. She is fine, just needed some rest and care.

The thinking is currently that baby being a bit early is having a few struggles but nothing serious.  This is good news, but so hard for the young new parents and their families.  (baby girl is the first grandbaby on both sides of the family)

Added to all this stress is that the Mama's granddad died on Wednesday, and Friday night was his funeral, and with being in labor, the family had to divide up with some at the funeral several hours away, and some with the mama and baby.

So, I'm asking you all to say a prayer for this dear family.  They are all exhausted and emotionally spent.

We will, of course, be celebrating the birth of this little one in a few weeks, and she'll be in attendance!  I can't wait to celebrate her and her mama.


Lorrie said...

prayers for that sweet family

Jan said...

Praying for this family!

Sue said...

Thoughts, prayers, and much love for all!

Elizabethd said...

What a hard time for the family. Will keep them in prayer.

Theresa said...

I most certainly will be praying for this little baby and the parents. ALSO the rest of the family with the death of the loved one. Sending HUGS and PRAYERS across the miles.

Vee said...

Oh certainly! Joining you in prayer for this new mother, dad, and baby girl. I was very sorry to read of the loss that was suffered the same week.

Estelle's said...

Sending a hug and prayer....much to deal with

Cheryl said...

I, too, will be praying for this family in this challenging time. It is hard to have a baby in the NICU under any circumstances. Praying for the baby and for the mama and for the all of the family as they deal with loss and joy at the same time.

It will be good to celebrate in a few weeks and be able to look back and see how God has been faithful. (And those big beautiful flowers will keep!)

Sandi@ Rose Chintz Cottage said...

Oh my, what a challenging time for the little family! Praying for the mama, wee baby, and the rest of the family as they deal with their joy over a new member of the family and the loss. Bless their hearts!

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