Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Winter Is Hanging On, But Spring Is On The Way

After I shared all those delightful outdoor living spaces yesterday, it started to snow.  It was light, so Lindsay and I headed out for errands pertaining to the baby shower we are hosting on Sunday.  We went into Hobby Lobby and 40 minutes later when we were checking out it was nearly a white out and several inches had fallen since we went in!  Yikes!  This is my year for crazy snow driving.

We survived, but we know we only were able to get back to her house because God sent a snow plow to go before us on the road with the biggest hill.  Seriously. 

When I left Lindsay's house a few hours later, the snow had stopped, the plows had cleared and the way home was only wet road.  Mostly.

This morning we are looking at this beauty.

and its going to be nearly 53 degrees.  Twenty degrees higher than yesterday.  That's how we know spring is coming!

I spent the late afternoon making paper flowers for the shower and I'm so in love with them!  Here's a photo to show you scale!

They are so fun!  I'll be sure to show you all of our decor and photos from the shower.  Its going to be sweet.  


Vee said...

Glad that you made it safely home. Today is going to melt that stuff fast. That’s quite a Fascinator Sarah is wearing!

Estelle's said...

What a lovely, lovely winter photo that is should frame that one! Cold and rainy here this weekend...waiting for spring blooms!

Catsngrams said...

I love the flowers. So talented you are. I do not drive in snow it is too risky. I would rather be home and looking at it fall and know that i am safe. So glad you made it home ok.


Tea and Friendship

    This photo of my bridal veil spirea was taken in our old kitchen! I have been pondering hospitality, and sharing time with others, and t...