Sunday, September 30, 2007
Simple Pleasures

Saturday, September 29, 2007
The Fair
It was the first time the girls were able to participate like this, and it was valuable experience.
I will try to post pictures later, I need my dad to email some to me. When we got to the fair yesterday, we realized our camera did not have batteries in it, thankfully my parents were there!
Have a lovely Saturday!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Fair Day
There are tents full of local businesses with free things, our favorite is Herr's Potato chips! There are tons of animals, I drove by yesterday and my daughter saw a camel! There are tons of cakes, canned goods, sewing, drawing, photography etc on display.
Did I already say we love this fair?
Fridays are the big day, all the equine events. My girls are taking our horse Sandy, and are competing for the first time in all the fun things, like the boot race, western pleasure, and the 50 yard dash!
I will take lots of pictures, and hopefully post tomorrow!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
Friday, September 21, 2007
A Challenging Thought
Then he asked them about Abraham. "Did God say to Abraham "if you want to, you could sacrifice Isaac to Me"? No, is the answer, God told him to do it. What was Abraham's response? He prepared for it and went to obey. I am sure he thought "Why would God ask this of me? Hmmmm, HE promised that through Isaac he would make a great nation." But none the less, he went to obey. Isaac asked him, "Father, we have the wood and the fire, but where is the sacrifice?" Abraham answered him "God, Himself will provide the sacrifice." Abraham even with the knife lifted over Isaac trusted God, that He would either raise Isaac from the dead or provide a different sacrifice, which is what God did.
As we talked about the different responses of Moses and Abraham, I was challenged to ask myself "what is my response to God when He asks something of me?" Of course the pleasant or comfort zone things I am delighted to do. But what about when He asks me to go through difficult things? Do I respond like Moses or Abraham. I hope I am like Abraham who trusted God, even though he didn't know God's plan.
May I trust the Lord to know what is best for me, and to walk closely to Him.
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Changing Seasons

Soon it will be dark by 5:00 pm and the evenings will be spent inside, or maybe on occassion a campfire and S'mores.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
They made a peace treaty with the Powhatan Indians, and met a young girl named Pocahantas. Several years later she converted to Christianity, and married John Rolfe.
From this small place on the shores of the James River, a new nation was born. It was exciting to see the archeological dig going on there. To see the foundations of the original church, that was built not too many years after their arrival.
I always get shivers to see God's hand in history (HIS-tory).
Views from Williamsburg
I made dress for the girls and I, not period authentic at all but of the "costume" variety. We were complemented all day on them and many people stopped us during the day to ask us directions or information etc...I guess they thought we worked there! It was fun to shop at John Greenhow's and Mary Dickenson's, stroll through the palace gardens, watch a gun holster being made at the Saddlery, we were privy to a meeting with General Washington's staff, toured the Getty foundry. My dad and I also, were able to tour the Capitol. It is amazing to see where the giants of American History walked and talked and studied and argued for right. It was amazing to hear a general state that he "entered this fight, at his own expense, because I believed it was right". He wanted nor expected to be monetarily compensated. It was about honor.
Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Patrick Henry, were just some of the men who were Virginians and strong leaders of our new country.
I can't wait to go back!
Sunday, September 16, 2007
Off to Williamsburg!
We have packed our colonial dresses and are so excited to get to experience this slice of American History!
Hopefully we will get great pictures and of course I will post about it!
Enjoy the fall weather!
Happy Birthday Miss Paula!
So I thought I would take this opportunity to wish her Happiest Birthday!
I will now sing her the birthday song we used to sing in church, remember Paula?
"To God we all Praise,
For our happy birthdays,
Who has blessed us, and kept us, and guided our ways!
Happy Birthday, God Bless you, happy birthday to you,
May the Lord bless and keep you another year through!
We love you very much!
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Home Improvement
The drywall, was reinstalled several years ago, and we painted it a gorgeous red color. The floor was left cement, since we had no project money for flooring. Last year we painted the cement floor to seal it and give it a nicer look. Then a friend gave us laminate wood flooring remnants. We would need to use several colors to cover the basement floor, but it was free!! We needed to purchase the padding/vapor barrier before we could put the laminate down, so this project kept being put off due to lack of either time or funds.
However, this weekend, my husband decided this was the time to do it! We thought we could do it with 2 colors and started the pattern we had worked out, but then found we could not. So the flooring that was down had to be pulled back up (this is relatively easy as this is a tongue in groove/snap system, no glue), and a third color added. Below is a picture of the beginning stage of laying the flooring. You can see the cement floor.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Daily Devotions

Friday, September 7, 2007
I am a Homemaker

I have had people in my extended family say "What do you do all day" or "Aren't you bored without a real job?" Ha! My current answer to people who ask if I "work" or have a "job" is "I am too busy to have a job."
That is the truth you know. I am not a maid, although I clean my home, I am a homemaker. That means I spend time making my home a warm and welcoming place for my family as well as our friends. I decorate my home, in a way that is comfortable and comforting to my family, I use candles to create a warm ambiance and to add yummy scents to our home, make wreaths, hang pictures, sew, etc.
Our family lives in our home. It is not just a place to sleep at night. I want my husband to be glad to come home at night, so I create a welcoming, peaceful place. This takes work. Some of it mundane, but all of it done with a bigger picture in mind. I do intentional homemaking. It takes skill and time. It takes a willing heart.
To all of you who make a home for your families, you are a blessing!
Fall Reading Challenge

My dear sister in law, Miss Paula, at Gathering of Friends, is hosting a fall reading challenge.
Here is my list, that I have either already read, am currently reading, or plan to read before fall is over.
1. Mr. Darcy's Daughters by Elizabeth Aston (already read)
2.The Second Mrs. Darcy by Elizabeth Aston (already read)
3. Emma by Jane Austen (currently reading, great read!)
4. Summer by Karen Kingbury (currently reading)
5. Jimmy by Robert Witlow
I will probably add to the list as the weeks go on, but this is a start!
If you are interested in joining her reading challenge, hop over to www.gatheringoffriends.blogspot.com and sign up!
Happy Reading!
I have read a lot this summer
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
My Cute Valances
They match the colors in my house just perfectly and look great. I previously had white battenburg lace valances up, but wanted something more autumnal.
What do you think?
Monday, September 3, 2007
Happy Labor Day!

I found some wonderful tea towels to use as a valance in my kitchen, and to use on my coffee table, got some delightful autumn colored, cinnamon scented candles, and an wrought iron wreath holder. Ahhh, I promised myself I wouldn't decorate for autumn so soon, but I got so inspired at the Candle Barn that I am doing just a little bit for now. Besides, when Apples of Gold starts on the 12th, I will have a warm and welcoming atmosphere in keeping with the season. Also, considering how busy I have been, I won't have to be in a rush to clean and get things spruced up the few days, before we start!!!!
Have a lovely day everyone!
Saturday, September 1, 2007
I Am Now A Taxi Driver
Yesterday I was back and forth 3 times! Besides taking the little ones to get groceries with me. They, the little ones were terrific, and made a new friend yesterday. She is the daughter of the Amish family who run a Health Food store. They sell grass feed beef and dairy products, organic produce, nutritional supplements in a little store on their farm. Rosanna took them out behind the pole barn to see the little ponies.
My husband and I are using this time of the older girls working, to see how things go. We have concerns that having them work for someone else, will really complicate our family schedule. Just today my oldest daughter said that she didn't like that she hasn't had time to do the things she likes, such as getting her horse ready for the fair. I know they will like having some money to spend and save, but we will see whether this format, is going to work for us as a family.
Today, besides driving people to and from work, I will clean my kitchen, give the kitchen window one more coat of paint and declutter the living area!
Thanks for your patience with my lack of blogging.
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...