Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day!

21 years ago today, Tim and I shared our first kiss, 6 months after we met. He is still the only one I want to share romance with!

We don't have any big plans for the day or evening that I am aware of. We are going to a marriage seminar at our church tomorrow evening and Saturday morning. Then in the evening we are going to the Valentine's banquet with our church's marriage ministry called "From This Day Forward." It is being held at the Revere Tavern. We are really looking forward to it.

This morning when I got up, I found on our dresser a card and a package from my sweetheart. The card was lovely, as were his own words written therein. I really am so blessed to be married to this man. In the package was this book:

I have been wanting to read this book! My sweetheart said "I hope you enjoy it!" I definately will.

I wish you all a day of love. Whether it be in reading the Words of your souls lover, or caring for your children, making a fun meal for your family etc....

Have a wonderful day!


Anonymous said...

hmmm. i'll have to check out that book. thank you for the tip and i sure hope you thoroughly enjoy reading it. those of us who are jane austen fans will find it exciting!

hApPY VaLEnTIneS dAY. :o)

mAY tHe LovE of oUr LORD sWeEtLY enFoLd YoU.

Anonymous said...

Tim has great taste!! I would like to read this book too!

Robert bought flowers for both girls and a card!! He left them on the counter this A.M.!!

Alicia @ said...

Happy Valentines! What a nice surprise to wake up to! My favorite is the cards that are written by them!!

Rose of Sharon said...

Hi there,

I found you through Cherry Hill. You have a lovely blog. Congratulations on your anniversary!

Come on over and visit me at my blog!

Happy Valentine's day!

Becky K. said...

That was so nice of Tim! I am sure that you will devour the book!

We had a dinner adventure last evening that is documented on my blog.

Always an adventure!

Becky K.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks everyone for your sweet comments!

Welcome Sharon! I popped by your blog! I can't wait to read it all!

Have a wonderful weekend everyone!

Anonymous said...

Check my blog for an award!


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