Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

It's Snowing, Icing, Raining - Yikes!

Well yesterday we had snow to ice, and didn't get to go bowling. Overnight it turned to rain.

As the girls and I were going to bed last night, we noticed that a car could not get up our hill. Several of the neighborhood men helped them out. I do not know how the road on the bigger highway was, but hopefully it was salted and clear as there are a huge hill and a hollow, depending on which direction they were headed. (Tim by the way didn't help the poor stranded people in the car. He has been going into work early and was already in bed.)

This morning, he was headed off early again. About 30 minutes after he left, he called to say that he had slipped the fan belt on his van and that he was attempting to get to work, but to start my van as I may need to head out to pick him up and get him to work. 15 minutes later he called to say that he made it to work and he was praying that the fan belt hadn't been lost. I was so glad not to have to head out in the dark on the icy, slushy roads!

Today, Becky from Hospitality Lane is to come over with her children. Her children and my two older girls are in my class at co-op and we are going to be learning 2 new dances this semester. I am wanting them to learn at least one new one today, so that when we work on it in class tomorrow, they can show in person how to do it! This of course depends on the weather!

It is dark outside still, so I will try to get some photos later.


Stacy @ The Next-to-Nothing House said...

Mrs. Rabe, we are experiencing the same weather here. My children have a "snow day" today....their second in a row. That never happens here! I'm going to enjoy the day. If I'm lucky I'll get one of them to cuddle on the sofa and watch a movie with me.....they think they are too big sometimes :) I also wanted to thank you for leaving a message on my blog. I'm so glad you lead me to yours and I will be visiting often! Best wishes

Anonymous said...

I can't believe all the snow the Mid West and East are having. If we could pump the melting snow to California that would be great.

We have had a foggy morning but nothing compares to the stuff you are having.

Be safe!! Tell Tim to drive safe too!!!

Alicia @ said...

Sounds like quite a storm! I am glad Tim got there safely...thats kinda scary!! Stay in and keep safe and warm!!

Late October Weekend

  I had a quiet weekend at home, and I enjoyed it.  I cut some of my limelight hydrangea, now with their autumn blush on them and took them ...