Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Kyle's Big Boy Bed

Our little guy has graduated to a big boy bed. He does really well, and is enjoying it. He had Thomas the Tank Engine sheets on his crib and I had made a little quilt for it with Thomas on it. So now we can use the Thomas pillowcase and little quilt, but not the sheets. Besides Thomas, Kyle really likes the movie "Cars", and Lightning McQueen, so my mom bought him some "Cars" sheets with Lightning and Mater on them. He was very excited!

I bought the string of car lights at Target - they have really cute stuff. You can see his train table (also from Target).

This is a really neat bookcase my husband built for Kyle last year. I love it because it is in the Pottery Barn for Kids style, but much, much less expensive!

Here you can see his new "Cars" sheets!

Here is "tauboy Tyle". He is being greatly influenced by his sister's love for horses and a movie called "Horse Crazy", from Feature Films for Families. He likes the boy named "Stoney" so sometimes he tells us he is "Stoney Tyle." He is great fun!


Alicia @ said...

How cute is he?! That is so cute that he has a "big boy" bed now!!

Becky K. said...

Ha! No more thumping out of the crib...
That is awesome!
His room is cute. Tim did a great job on the bookcase.
Love that cowboy look Kyle is sporting...
Becky K.

Anonymous said...

I like Kyle's room!!!! YAHOO and VAROOM!!!

Nonie said...
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Nonie said...

What a cute boy you are and so is your room. Love that shelf...

Pauleen said...

Wow - what a great idea with the lights on the window. I really like the bookcase - Tim puts Pottery Barn to shame. Kyle's room looks great! By the way your cupcakes looked very tasty. I know that I would've enjoyed one with a cup of tea. :)

Melissa G said...

Yay for Kyle! He's such a cutie!
How did you get him to stay in his big boy bed to sleep and not get up a million times a night?

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

He does get up once in awhile, but he knows the consequences for not obeying, so mostly he stays in bed. His new things is "I need you". :) I tell him "I know you WANT me, but you need to sleep!" He is very fun.

Now if we can get him interested in the potty...

Anonymous said...

oh dear, your 'tyle' is such a doll! love the big boy bed and decorating...great job!

Home Keeping

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