Friday, May 30, 2008
The Best Lasagna. Ever.
I made a few changes to the recipe, I used "bold" flavored sausage instead of "hot", and I used shredded parmesan cheese, instead of the "canned" kind. I did this because it's what I had on hand. Oh, and I also used organic whole wheat lasagna noodles. There, that's was all the changes I made.
You can find the recipe here. Thanks, Ree.
I got online right away to research how to rid my plants of them in a non-toxic way.
I found this formula:
1 cup of cooking oil
1 TBSP dishwashing liquid
Mix together. In a spray bottle, add 1 1/2 teaspoons of oil/soap solution for every cup of warm water.
I went out and sprayed my plants, immediately. I will continue to do this, until I am aphid free.
My roses are stunning this year and are full of flowers and buds. I am not going to let some little pest eat away at them!
I am an official aphid huntress! I despise those little bugs....
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Creekside Gardens
These are my glorious peonies - I do not know the name of them, but they are beautiful and smell like old fashioned roses.
This is one of the places I transplanted Irises. They are thriving in my gardens.
When we bought our sweet cottage, there were few plants and no trees in the front. We planted two "Red Sunset Maples." After six years they are a decent size and host a bird feeder. We can see this feeder from our front window, and enjoy seeing who is having a meal.
This photo was taken with my back to the bird feeder. You can see my Zephirine Drouhin Bourbon climbing rose through the fence.
Here is a close up of it poking through the fence. Something has been nibbling on the leaves. It is too early for Japanese Beetles and I haven't seen aphids so.....any ideas?
Here is a shrub by our creek. It is very like a Viburnum but no scent. I love its white blooms in this shady spot. If you look carefully, you can see our horse trailer, and my husband's stack of firewood.
Hosta, Daylilies, Disobedient plant and a plant that I don't know the name of! My friend gave me some from her garden, but she didn't know the name either! It grows about 6 feet tall with lovely golden flowers. I am continuing my search to find out what it is! It is a great cutting flower, as it lasts for a long time when cut.
More Iris. Do you see the large rocks in both pictures? My husband dug them out of the horse pasture last weekend, and placed them in these flower beds. They look great!
Well, I hope you enjoyed your visit to my gardens. When the flower beds in the back of the house start to bloom, I will be sure to show those as well!
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Talking Pennsylvanian!
Talking Pennsylvanian
Once a Pennsylvanian, ALWAYS a Pennsylvanian!
About Pennsylvanians:
You've never referred to Philadelphia as anything but 'Philly' and New Jersey has always been ' Jersey'.
You refer to Pennsylvania as 'PA' (pronounced Pee-ay). How many other states do that?
'You guys' is a perfectly acceptable reference to a group of men and women.
You know how to respond to the question 'Djeetyet?' (Did you eat yet?)
You learned to pronounce Bryn Mawr, Wilkes-Barre , Schuylkill, the Pocono's, Tamaqua, Tunkannock, Bala Cynwyd, Duquesne and Monongahela.
And we know Lancaster is pronounced Lank aster, not Lan kaster.
You know what a 'Mummer' is, and are disappointed if you can't catch at least highlights of the parade.
You know what 'Punxsutawney Phil' is, and what it means if he sees his shadow.
The first day of buck and the first day of doe season are school holidays.
At least five people on your block have electric 'candles' in all or most of their windows all year long.
You know what a 'State Store' is, and your out-of-state friends find it incredulous that you can't purchase liquor at the mini- mart.
Words like 'hoagie,' 'crick,' 'chipped ham,' 'dippy eggs', 'sticky buns,''shoo-fly pie,' 'lemon sponge pie', 'pierogies' and 'pocketbook' actually mean something to you. That's PA slang for purse!
You can eat cold pizza (even for breakfast) and know others who do the same. Those from NY find this 'barbaric.'
You not only have heard of Birch Beer, but you know it comes in several colors.
You know the difference between a cheese steak and a pizza steak sandwich, and know that you can't get a really good one outside PA, except Atlantic City on the boardwalk.
You live for summer, when street and county fairs signal the beginningof funnel cake season.
You know that Blue Ball, Intercourse, Paradise , Climax, Bird-in-Hand, Beaver, Moon, Virginville, Mars, and Slippery Rock are PA towns.(and the first three were consecutive stops on the Reading RR).
You know what a township, borough, and commonwealth is.
You can identify drivers from New York , New Jersey , Maryland or other neighboring states by their unique and irritating driving habits.
A traffic jam is 10 cars waiting to pass a horse-drawn carriage on the highway in Lancaster County .
You know several people who have hit deer more than once.
You carry jumper cables in your car and your female passengers know how to use them.
Driving is always better in winter because the potholes are filled with snow.
As a kid you built snow forts and leaf piles that were taller than you were.
You know beer doesn't grow in a garden but you know where to find a beer garden.
You also know someone who lives 'down the lane'.
You actually understand all this and send it on to other Pennsylvanians for former Pennsylvanians!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day
Longwood Gardens
The new children's garden is open and amazing. We can't wait to go back. Kyle especially loved the water features.
The children's garden is beautifully made, with bronze sculptures for railings and interesting details.
In the perennial garden there were lovely peonies.
Delightful rose arbors.
An interesting hybrid geranium.
I love walking through the giant topiary garden, it makes me think of Alice in Wonderland.
It was a lovely day. I can't wait to go again!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
19 Years Ago
The road with my oldest has not been easy. I believe however that God has allowed it for a purpose. We are so thankful for still having a relationship with him. We live very different lives, yet he still loves us and we love him. We pray that God will continue His work.
Happy Birthday Nate. We love you.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Fun Day At The Garden Center
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
The Color Red

Monday, May 19, 2008
My Office
The first thing we did was to clean this room from top to bottom and to air it out. This room hadn't see the light of day for years! Think gym socks and body spray - when you recover from that, think black curtains, and grey walls. So step two was to take the curtains down and to paint the room! This color is called "Baklava." It is a warm, lovely color and looks great with the white furniture. The dresser you can see in this picture was one of my recent painting projects. It had been black. There are also two small desk in here. One in front of the window, where I sew and the other on the short wall that my young daughters play "office" at.
It feels good to have this room open now to the whole house. At first it was shocking to have the door open, and to have light coming from it. But we have adjusted just fine. While we miss our guy, we love having the room to use. He is welcome to come visit his old room anytime.
I Have A New Camera!

He dropped in at Radio Shack and they had this one on clearance. It is 8.2 Mega Pixels and also takes video with sound! This is a good thing as our video camera is mysteriously missing. Which is very sad, because the case has all the tapes of the kids etc...
I am now back as a real blogger - I have a camera to post photos!
Thanks, Sweetheart and thank you Economic Stimulous Check!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Update on Becky!
A Meme
Fun Answers
I am: A joyful wife and mother!
I think: constantly! There is always something going on in my mind! :o )
I know how to: sew
I want: to learn to knit
I hate: to see people sacrifice their constitutionally given rights, such as their parental rights. see
I miss: my grandma
I fear: that my children will have a harder time raising their families than I have had.
I feel: so blessed to know the Lord and to be raising these children he has given us!
I hear: my kids putting away clean dishes and laughing and giggling about something!
I smell: strawberries and cream!
I crave: coca cola
I search for: Big Stick popsicles but they don't have them anywhere near where I live! boo hoo
I regret: let my weight get out of hand!
I love: my husband, children and all of our family
I ache: sometimes my arm hurts alot
I care: for my friends
I always: read! All the time!
I am not: an unhappy person
I believe: I God!
I sing: often - we have a song for everything! hee hee
I cry: at sad movies
I fight: for homeschool freedoms, and parental freedom
I win: (sometimes) when I play Rook
I lose: pounds (hopefully as I make better choices and exercise)
I never: wear a mini skirt!
I listen: to talk radio and cd's in my van
I am scared: snakes!
I need: Encouragement
I am happy about: My home - we love it and loving using it to bless others.
I hope: that whoever is elected president next, will not be able to get much done to "change" our country!
Birthday Dinner Party

Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Family Integrated Church

Monday, May 12, 2008
A Quote By Peter Marshall on Motherhood
The modern challenge to motherhood is the eternal challenge—that of being a godly woman. The very phrase sounds strange in our ears. We never hear it now. We hear about every other kind of women—beautiful women, smart women, sophisticated women, career woman, talented women, divorced women, but so seldom do we hear of a godly woman—or of a godly man either, for that matter.
I believe women come nearer to fulfilling their God-given function in the home than anywhere else. It is a much nobler thing to be a good wife than to be Miss America. It is a greater achievement to establish a Christian home than it is to produce a second-rate novel filled with filth. It is a far, far better thing in the realm of morals to be old-fashioned than to be ultramodern. The world has enough women who know how to hold their cocktails, who have lost all their illusions and their faith. The world has enough women who know how to be smart.
It needs women who are willing to be simple. The world has enough women who know how to be brilliant. It needs some who will be brave. The world has enough women who are popular. It needs more who are pure. We need woman, and men, too, who would rather be morally right that socially correct.
Mother's Day Photos


The Sense and Sensibility comes with "Miss Austen Regrets" so I received 3 movies!
I can't wait to watch them!
Here are some photos of the day:

CHAP Homeschool Convention

This year the keynote speaker was Voddie Baucham. He was fantastic as he challenged us to Biblical thinking and encouraged us in our homeschooling and parenting.
This year we walked a relatively new homeschool mom through the convention. That was fun, being veterans and all. The vendor hall can be overwhelming, with hundreds of vendors. We also went to our traditional Burger King lunch with good friends of ours on Friday. Their daughter and ours are really good friends, and they love to spend Friday of the convention going to all the booths of things that they are interested in. A big hit is always the science booths that are blowing things up!
My favorites are the discount booksellers, Miller Pad and Paper (the best paper, notebooks and art supplies), Vision Forum great family resources, Veritas great classical education curriculum. I like to buy books about composers and artists from them and this year we also bought "The Thinking Toolbox" by Nathaniel Bluedorn and Hans Bluedorn. This is a book about logic and thinking. It is going to be a fun book to read through with the girls.
I was exhausted after two full days, but they were great also. I am already looking forward to next year!
Family Visit
We had a bbq, went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord for the May birthdays, they went to Gettysburg.
My Uncle is an archeologist and it was interesting to talk to him. My Aunt knows all the family history so I loved talking to her!
Here are some photos of the night before they left.
Jim, Nancy and the kids. If you look closely you can see that Rachel is holding one of the little tiny kittens!
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day!
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
A Great Post at A Fun Blog!
Monday, May 5, 2008
Kittens Again
Kyle has named one Thomas. This is not after the househelp of the Dashwoods, but after a certain blue tank engine.
The other one is a male bobtail and I have named him Bob. (aren't I the most creative person you know?) Actually it is in honor of my dad, whose birthday is today. And of course the cat is a bob-tail so Bob sort of suits him, don't ya know....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
Kitten Update
Sarah got to name the first one and she chose "Mary". I do not know whether she meant Mary Bennet or not, but it is in keeping with our tendency to choose names from Jane Austen novels. We do have a Captain Wentworth as well. The other two names have not been decided, as of yet.
So far Lizzie is a good mother and Mr.Knightley is leaving them alone. Lizzie and Knightley have always been close, grooming one another etc... so I do not anticipate any paternal issues.
They are very cute kittens and I will try to post photos soon.
Elizabeth Bennet Is Having Kittens
We woke early this morning to hear tiny mew's coming from outside our bedroom window. She had her first kitten in our newly mulched flower bed. How delightful -
I will keep you updated as the day goes on.
Friday, May 2, 2008
A Lovely Courtship and Engagement Story

For some reason I am having trouble with the links I posted here. I wanted to share a courtship story and engagement story of James and Stacy McDonald's daughter Tiffany. You can read both at Stacy's blog The engagement story is today's post and the courtship story is March 3, 2008.
For me it is encouraging as the mom of 4 daughters, to see God's faithfulness, to this young couple.
Thursday, May 1, 2008
An Interesting Day
The family is unsaved, and it was very hard to see the hopelessness. This teen daughter, who is just one year older than Lindsay, doesn't even realize that there are options to premarital s*x, drugs, etc...
The mother is completely overwhelmed with this and with the struggle they had had with their daughter and is not really able to keep up with anything. So, we went and cleaned up the daughters room, sorting through things, we also cleaned their kitchen, bathroom and the son's room.
Would you please pray that God will draw this family to Himself, and that they will be able to rejoice is His Salvation?
This was not something I was looking forward to doing. I didn't know them, in fact I didn't really even know the lady from my church who is their neighbor. Tim encouraged me that I "should see what God might have for me in it." I am glad that I went, I am glad to have served my God by serving this family. I am glad that I have made a new friend from church.
God is at work - I can't wait to see what He is going to do!
Home Keeping
After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...

Sunday was Charter Day here in Pennsylvania. We celebrate the king giving William Penn's father the charter for this land, by opening a...
Today is Melissa's due date -she is in labor and she and Geoff were headed to the birthing center to have the baby! I know she will co...