My Aunt Nancy and Uncle Jim came to visit. They stayed with Dad and Mom, but we got to hang out with them alot! That was so fun. We hadn't seen them for quite awhile, as they live in Arkansas. However they are getting ready to move to Hawaii! What an awesome retirement! Nancy's daughter lives there. Nancy's granddaughter Nicole (Life in Jesus), is moving to the property in Arkansas! Very cool.We had a bbq, went to Shady Maple Smorgasbord for the May birthdays, they went to Gettysburg. My Uncle is an archeologist and it was interesting to talk to him. My Aunt knows all the family history so I loved talking to her! Here are some photos of the night before they left.
Dad and his sister Nancy.
Jim, Nancy, Mom and Dad.
Jim, Nancy and the kids. If you look closely you can see that Rachel is holding one of the little tiny kittens!
Awww...great picture. It is nice they were able to visit before they move so far away.
Becky K.
It's nice that my kids get to see what their Great Aunt looks like!! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
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