Don't you just LOVE this red refridgerator? I do - it's got personality, baby! I have always loved red. I look great in red. I used to have a favorite red dress that I wore to church until our former pastor's wife told me that her husband had a hard time with the color red - something about it being a dominating,powerful color or something....so I stopped wearing it to that church.
I never used to decorate with red but my husband likes bold colors and red fits that category quite well, thank you. Now we have a red basement, a red bathroom (gorgeous!) and have red accents in our room and in the livingroom.
I found out that my Great-Grandmother Adelade loved red and even had a red refridgerator! So I guess I come by it naturally.
I love red, too! It's my favorite!
oh WOW....I love this refrigerator, yep RED is a color I love too...I love wearing it and also wear Giorgio's RED perfume, my husband loves the fragrance the best...hooray for us red lovers.
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