Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, May 19, 2008

My Office

When our oldest moved out this year, we took over his room! After all when you have a 4 bedroom home and 6 kids, 2 parents, 2 dogs, need all the space you can get!

The first thing we did was to clean this room from top to bottom and to air it out. This room hadn't see the light of day for years! Think gym socks and body spray - when you recover from that, think black curtains, and grey walls. So step two was to take the curtains down and to paint the room! This color is called "Baklava." It is a warm, lovely color and looks great with the white furniture. The dresser you can see in this picture was one of my recent painting projects. It had been black. There are also two small desk in here. One in front of the window, where I sew and the other on the short wall that my young daughters play "office" at.

It feels good to have this room open now to the whole house. At first it was shocking to have the door open, and to have light coming from it. But we have adjusted just fine. While we miss our guy, we love having the room to use. He is welcome to come visit his old room anytime.


Alicia @ said...

Auntie Dee- I absolutely LOVE the color! I love all the earth tones, they look so clean and sharp. Love the white furniture too!!! My mom is in the process of turning my bedroom into the grandchild room!! She wants sleepovers and wants them to be close to her room!!! When Ryan and I sleep over there, we now sleep in the office/guest room which I love! Anyways, love the room, great job!!

Nicole said...

That sounds great! We only have 3 children, but Brook works at home so lack of room for me is big. Currently my desk is in the livingroom :)

Looks good!

Anonymous said...

Love the colors. I like the bright white!!

Wow! The door is open! That is a change!

Ryan is going to help Robert take the cottage cheese off the ceiling this summer!

Melissa G said...

your office looks great! I love the wall color. I want to repaint our walls that color now! But I don't think that is going to happen any time soon! =) I'll just have to remember it for next time we paint.

Spring Is On The Way

  Ah Friends, spring is on the way! We are having lovely weather.  I have lemon and orange oil diffusing in the living room. My fun bird tea...