This was so good. When we give of ourself without the want of anything in return, this is a cure for self absorption!
I gave my oldest son some advice last night. I told him he didn't have to use it, but I just wanted to encourage him. He replied, "No mom, that is great advice!" I told my DH that I needed this recorded. My son said I gave him good advice. This was a blessing after being used by God as that invisible woman...a blessing!!
This was so good. When we give of ourself without the want of anything in return, this is a cure for self absorption!
I gave my oldest son some advice last night. I told him he didn't have to use it, but I just wanted to encourage him. He replied, "No mom, that is great advice!" I told my DH that I needed this recorded. My son said I gave him good advice. This was a blessing after being used by God as that invisible woman...a blessing!!
What Nicole is shares is so thoughtful and true.
I love this one!!!
Becky K.
Wow I needed to hear that. A reminder that God sees us even when others don't.
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