Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 29, 2009

Computer Craziness!

I just got done talking to a most helpful guy at Frontier about our computer modem. We had been having trouble accessing the internet from our desktop. He ran tests and it is now working very well. Now at issue is my laptop. Apparently the wireless switch is off and the toggle switches (don't I sound all techie-like and don't you think I know what I am talking about?) are not doing the trick. I call Dell - this computer as you may remember because it is soooo important - was purchased from my niece. It's warranty is outdated, so at least for tonight I am without the capability of accessing the internet in a wireless way on my laptop. Perhaps another call tomorrow - or maybe one of you has a Dell Inspiron 600m and you know where the hard wireless switch is?

Well, it was worth asking!

Anyway, I am giving a huge shoutout to Mike at Frontier who helped me and went above and beyond trying to help me with the laptop as well! Thanks, Mike!

Tomorrow - I am hoping to start vacation photos! Such excitement, eh? I hope you can all sleep...well, most of you are probably asleep already anyway....

My brain is tired....Sweet Dreams!

Saturday, June 27, 2009

I'm Back!

We actually got back on Thursday about 7:30 pm, but we have been busy doing some projects here at home. Of course, yesterday I needed to go get groceries. For some reason all these people insist on eating regularly!

Today I did some cleaning, major dusting and vacuuming. I also made homemade vanilla ice cream for later, made dinner, and am working on a dish to take to our fellowship meal tomorrow...Emily will work on a dessert for tomorrow later.

I worked in my garden yesterday - it is overgrown and weedy - ick. In the fall, I think I will transplant much of what is in the front flower beds, putting it around in the back, and just keep the front with a cleaner, less jungle like look!

I snagged a few photos from Melissa's blog today from the wedding. Lindsay's camera card with wedding photos is missing. Fortunately for us she downloaded almost every thing on Aunt Esther's computer, so even if it is lost forever, the photos aren't!

Here are my beautiful nieces and their lovely Momma...Crystal and Andy wanted Crystal's Mom and Dad to stand up with them so they were both part of the wedding party as well as parents of the bride!

Melissa, Crystal, Esther

Crystal and Andy - They vowed to wait on God for a mate and at the right time, a mutual friend introduced them. They were both visiting Texas at the time. She lived in Florida and he in Utah. They talked on the phone every week.

Here is the happy couple during their first dance.

As they left for their honeymoon, they were showered with bubbles!
That is us on the left side of the photo with my great friend Jane in blue. My little girls are in the pink dresses on the right!

I will be posting many more photos of our was a whirlwind but so much fun.

It's great to be back!

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Fun Give Away At Apples of Gold!

Deby over at Apples of Gold is having an awesome give away! Aprons, books - so much fun.

Go visit her and leave her a comment!

Race you there!

Monday, June 22, 2009

This and That

Sorry still no photos because of no cords...even Melissa hasn't had time to post any....We took lots but they will have to wait...

I did want to say that it was a lovely wedding - very God honoring, and the bride and groom shared their first kiss at the altar! I get a kick out of how quickly they got the hang of it! hee hee
They really want their lives to be a testimony of God's goodness and they shared in their vows how they want to serve one another and the Lord together.

Crystal and Andrew had never dated anyone else - they trusted God to bring them THE person, in His timing. We trust that they will be blessed with children, too. They both love kids - he is a teacher and she is a midwife - great professions for both of them.

Later today we are having lunch with my mother in law and then hitting the beach in the late afternoon with Tim's sister Esther and Melissa and Ethan. It has been hotter than normal here and so the beach will be better later in the day. We have been swimming at the pool every day so far.

I trust you all had a wonderful Father's Day. We went out to lunch and then over to Esther's house. She had the family over, including Crystal's new family and we ate left overs from the wedding and talked and talked and talked! It was a good time!

Have a wonderful day!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!

Happy Father's Day to my Dad. He is a good example for us all in serving others and at 70 years old of wanting to still grow spiritually and be the man God wants him to be. So thank you Dad - I love you!

I also want to say Happy Father's Day to my Tim. He is a great dad...he is patient and has a heart to teach the kids not to outwardly conform to a certain standard, but to reach their hearts with the truth and to guide them in it. He loves his children and is a faithful man. I am proud of you, Tim.

I also am thinking of our family in the western portion of PA who are missing their Dad today. We love you and are thinking of you.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Guess What?

Sarah's hives - still here. A trip to the local Centra Care and we discovered that she is allergic to Penicillin. Who knew? She has taken it before, had been on it this time for 8 days...they told us that it can just happen.

Her hives looked really bad today and were not responding to the Benedryl. They were even on her face and were starting to make her look bruised and was bad. So she is off her meds, just still on the Benedryl and it has already made a difference we think.

Pray for her that she would be cleared up quickly and that she will stop itching!


Wedding later today - last night the rehearsal dinner. It was very nice to spend time with the family and to meet other friends of the family.

Talk to you later!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

We're Here!

Did I tell you that Lindsay got a new camera with some of the monetary gifts she got for graduation? It's great. Between she and Emily they take really nice photos so I left my camera home.

However Lindsay might have left her cords, that allow us to upload photos to my computer, home. If so, no photos for you until we return!

We arrived around 5:00pm and got settled into our hotel room, then went over to see Tim's mom. Stayed a few hours then took the kids was perfect. The weather was cooler than expected and the water nice.

Tomorrow is fun with my friend Jane, my sister in law and her family arrive from Missouri, we will see my other sister in law (mom of the bride) at the rehearsal and rehearsal dinner...I can tell this whole trip will feel like a whirlwind!

Have a happy weekend!

We Are Having A Great Trip

My kids travel so well...they slept, ate, watched movies....We didn't need to stop every few minutes to use the bathroom either! :)

Today we have a nice drive and should arrive around dinnertime. Tomorrow we are hanging out with our good friend Jane, and then in the evening going to the rehersal dinner. The wedding is Saturday, I think we may be going out on Father's Day with Tim's mom and his sister and her family.

What are you all up to today?

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

We're Off!

We are headed to Florida this morning!

We have had a crazy couple of weeks - mostly busyness with finishing school and Lindsay's graduation, but thrown in were also Kyle and Sarah both being bite by deer ticks (they are on antibiotics) and yesterday Tim got a bout of Vertigo - so we ended the day with a visit to the doctor. He is on meds and is doing much better!

So we go....looking forward to time with family and friends and our niece's wedding this weekend.

We would covet your prayers for us as we travel and that God would be glorified in all our relationships - there is the possibility of a sticky family situation.

I will try to check in often - it is going to be HOT - so I may need to stay in the ac and surf the net!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lindsay's Graduation!

Friday night we held Lindsay's graduation celebration. It was really awesome. We were able to put together a short ceremony that honored God and Lindsay. She picked out all the music...

Emily played her recorder for the prelude - she got to pick those songs..."How Firm A Foundation" and "Sweet Hour Of Prayer."

Lindsay being 1st in her class got to give the Valedictorian speech...she hates to give speeches but she did fine!

Lindsay's dear friend played "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing." It was beautiful. The congregational songs were "Amazing Grace" and "Be Thou My Vision." Lindsay chose well...

Tim gave the message, a challenge to Lindsay and to us all to walk with the Lord, even if it means being counter cultural. And to set an example for those generations who will follow.

We framed the diploma and gave it to her that way...she has it hanging on her wall by her bed.

Then we went back to eat cake and to dance!

Nearly all the church family were there - and they learned how to do English Country Dance. This church is so amazing in support for one another....the excitement they showed to be a part of Lindsay's special night was so touching to us!

I LOVE this photo of Grandma Georgia and her grandson Mikey dancing together!

This is our dear friend Jen and one of her twins Will. Look he is nearly taller than she is, and he just turned 12! They both learned to dance that night - they were great!

Promanade! Lindsay and our good friend Nigel.

Even the little kids love to participate - her are Sarah and Jared.

Rachel and Chelsea....

Friends, family and fun!

Kyle danced and played and ate cake and candy!

The girls with their dear friends who are also sisters!

My friend Kelly took all of these photos! She is a wonderful photographer! I love this photo of Lindsay and Emily...
Our goals were accomplished, our daughter is now graduated from high school! God be Praised!

Monday, June 15, 2009


I have been trying for 3 days to post photos from Lindsay's graduation...I don't know why they won't upload.

I have tried interenet explorer and google chrome....I am so frustrated...don't know if it is the computer or our isp....

I may have to take a trek to Panera Bread today and try!!!!

Hopefully you will hear from me later about Lindsay's wonderful graduation!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Can You Hear My Sigh Of Relief?

Every year we have year end evaluations. We adore our evaluator and look forward to seeing her every year. She's great!

This year though it seemed as if everything was conspiring to hinder our preparation for the evaluations.

We ran out of toner for our printer and I didn't have the van available to me today! Yikes! Then the floppy disk I used to back up transcripts, objectives etc...won't open. Crazy! I had to retype them - 3 different objectives, and two transcripts! Plus help Rachel put her portfolio together. All year we save samples of their work to show our evaluator...this year Rachel had a lot of poetry she wanted to show her. Guess what? Rachel couldn't find it! She did manage to find some that she had thankfully saved on the computer...I backed all my important documents to my flash drive - I love that little thing - it's red too! My favorite color! No more floppy disks for me!

It all turned out fine - Tim brought the toner cartridge home with him, we printed off all the stuff we had saved, I am sigh hugely now at 12:17 am because all is ready - we can sleep easy tonight! Tomorrow I have to go get my root canal finished and the permanent crown put on...did I forget to tell you all that my tooth trouble ended up in root canal.

As of tomorrow afternoon, Lindsay will be finished with her high school education. I am very proud of her!

Talk to you again tomorrow!

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Home Again

Thank you all for your sweet words and prayers for us this week.  I can tell you that they were in evidence as I noticed peace in the whole family.  Aunt Marylou was tired and sad but she mentioned several times "he is in a better place."  How thankful we are to know that is true!

When we were making plans to go to the funeral, I thought that since we were going to drive there and home again the same day, that we would leave the kids at home with my parents and just Tim and I would go.  Tim felt it would be important for the kids to come.  Aunt Marylou enjoys them and he felt they would be a sweet "distraction" on such a difficult day.  He was right.  The only other young children there were Tim's cousin's daughter's kids. (Is that 1st cousins, twice removed?) All of Tim's cousins, his dad's cousins, Aunt Marylou's brother and wife etc...just loved the kids, were amazed at how well behaved they are.  Lindsay and Emily did what they normally do - they were helpful, talked with everyone and made an awesome pot of coffee!  I am humbled at God's goodness to us and so thankful.

The kids had a good time on the trip - they travel well and they also had the benefit of Grandma and Grandpa's dvd player for the car...they had fun watching "The Incredible Mr. Limpit" and "They Pirates That Don't Do Anything."  They didn't complain once about having to be in the car for 8 hours yesterday!

Now we must get ready for our homeschool evaluations on Wednesday and Lindsay's graduation celebration on Friday.  I am making Lindsay and Emily new dresses as well, that they will wear also to their cousins wedding in Florida the following weekend.  So yes June is going to be just as busy as May was for us, but other than the funeral it is all good stuff.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Popping In To Say Hi!

Sorry I have been absent for a few days...I have been reading your blogs, but just kind of too busy to post!

I have been in full grad party planning is going to be fun - and special.  We really want it to be meaningful for her as well.  I mailed a bunch of invitations/announcements today!

Today I have done my huge grocery haul day, instead of tomorrow.  Tomorrow we will be headed to the western portion of our state for our uncle's funeral.  We have heard that our dear aunt is missing him, but at peace.  We will be so glad to see her tomorrow and give our love and attention to her and the family.

I also am doing all those last minute things before a trip, even though ours will be a long one day trip, such as preparing snacks, drinks, entertainment, etc...

Well, I need to to you again soon!

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

1 Thessalonians 4:13

"But I do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, concerning those who have fallen asleep, lest you sorrow as others who have no hope."

Our  dear Uncle Don went home to be with the Lord in the early morning hours this morning....

I have such fond memories of him...he and his wife Marylou were very welcoming to me, when I first met them in the year before we married.  He liked to call Tim and I "Bonnie and Clyde" and I liked to call him "Scooter" because he reminded me of Scooter from the Muppets!  He liked to tease and I would tease back...he liked that.

He and Aunt Marylou both just had birthdays and this year was their 63rd year of marriage!  

Please pray for Aunt Marylou - she was taken by to the hospital by ambulance yesterday with chest pains.  She was fine, they felt it was just anxiety and they allowed her to come home.  She has been in poor health for several years and Uncle Don's health has taken a toll on her as well.

Their daughter Marsha has been such a virtuous daughter.  She has cared for her parents daily, allowing them to be able to stay in their own home.  Her parents worry about her, but she wants to take care of them.  Their son Dean also spends time with them every day after work - he and his youngest son eat dinner with them.  This gives Marsha a break and allows her to go home and eat with her husband and spend the evening -then she goes back and checks on her parents and helps them get to bed.  Now, Aunt Marylou will be alone and I don't know what they will do. 
They will need wisdom, Aunt Marylou has lived in her current home since 1955. 

Please pray for our whole hurts to lose someone you love, even when you have assurance of where that loved one is....

Monday, June 1, 2009

A Cheery Update

This dear girl is now 10 years is that possible?  I am so thankful for 10+ years of delight in being her mother.  What a precious girl she is, quiet around many people, but full of chatter at home.  A smart girl who loves to read, ride horses, do things with her sisters...she is growing up.  There is maturity working its way into her life...I am a big advocate of early responsibility - it leads to early maturity.  Being responsible and mature doesn't mean a child doesn't get to have fun - in fact just the opposite!  It means that the fun is enjoyed all the more than if her life revolved around herself and only being entertained.

Yesterday was a perfect example;  Since it was her birthday I invited some friends over for an adventure party.  Perfect for girls!  They rode our horses, cooked hot dogs and s'mores over a campfire, learned to shoot arrows with a homemade bow, and went on a nature hike.  The also walked in the creek and played in the hammock...they didn't want to leave.  Rachel's happiness and enjoyment of her friends being here was sweet because it is not an everyday occurrence

Now that May is over and the multitude of birthdays are behind us, I can begin to focus on other celebrations!

We will be having a graduation celebration for Lindsay this month.  I am not sure of all the details yet...they are coming to me...but it is going to be special. 

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...