Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Monday, June 22, 2009

This and That

Sorry still no photos because of no cords...even Melissa hasn't had time to post any....We took lots but they will have to wait...

I did want to say that it was a lovely wedding - very God honoring, and the bride and groom shared their first kiss at the altar! I get a kick out of how quickly they got the hang of it! hee hee
They really want their lives to be a testimony of God's goodness and they shared in their vows how they want to serve one another and the Lord together.

Crystal and Andrew had never dated anyone else - they trusted God to bring them THE person, in His timing. We trust that they will be blessed with children, too. They both love kids - he is a teacher and she is a midwife - great professions for both of them.

Later today we are having lunch with my mother in law and then hitting the beach in the late afternoon with Tim's sister Esther and Melissa and Ethan. It has been hotter than normal here and so the beach will be better later in the day. We have been swimming at the pool every day so far.

I trust you all had a wonderful Father's Day. We went out to lunch and then over to Esther's house. She had the family over, including Crystal's new family and we ate left overs from the wedding and talked and talked and talked! It was a good time!

Have a wonderful day!


Tracy said...

Sounds like a wonderful wedding. Jon and Autumn will also share their first kiss at the altar. So exciting!

Kelly said...

What a wonderful post and your comment about how quickly they caught on to kissing made me smile.

I think it is so special for a bride and groom to have their first kiss at the altar. I wish I would've known or thought or been taught about this before my husband and I became a couple. I'm just glad we can teach it to our children.

Alicia @ said...

How fun and exciting!

I am looking froward to the pics to come!

Have a great time at the beach...its been very warm here too! Summer is here!

Unknown said...

What a sweet testimony about the couple!
So refreshing to hear about chastity and virtue these days.

Home Keeping

  After a bit of a break, I am back on the hunt for items for my home. I need a rug for my bedroom, lamps for my bedroom, bedding for a quee...