Hospitality, Friendship, Encouragement

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Lindsay's Graduation!

Friday night we held Lindsay's graduation celebration. It was really awesome. We were able to put together a short ceremony that honored God and Lindsay. She picked out all the music...

Emily played her recorder for the prelude - she got to pick those songs..."How Firm A Foundation" and "Sweet Hour Of Prayer."

Lindsay being 1st in her class got to give the Valedictorian speech...she hates to give speeches but she did fine!

Lindsay's dear friend played "Come Thou Fount Of Every Blessing." It was beautiful. The congregational songs were "Amazing Grace" and "Be Thou My Vision." Lindsay chose well...

Tim gave the message, a challenge to Lindsay and to us all to walk with the Lord, even if it means being counter cultural. And to set an example for those generations who will follow.

We framed the diploma and gave it to her that way...she has it hanging on her wall by her bed.

Then we went back to eat cake and to dance!

Nearly all the church family were there - and they learned how to do English Country Dance. This church is so amazing in support for one another....the excitement they showed to be a part of Lindsay's special night was so touching to us!

I LOVE this photo of Grandma Georgia and her grandson Mikey dancing together!

This is our dear friend Jen and one of her twins Will. Look he is nearly taller than she is, and he just turned 12! They both learned to dance that night - they were great!

Promanade! Lindsay and our good friend Nigel.

Even the little kids love to participate - her are Sarah and Jared.

Rachel and Chelsea....

Friends, family and fun!

Kyle danced and played and ate cake and candy!

The girls with their dear friends who are also sisters!

My friend Kelly took all of these photos! She is a wonderful photographer! I love this photo of Lindsay and Emily...
Our goals were accomplished, our daughter is now graduated from high school! God be Praised!


Becky K. said...

It was a very special evening. Kelly did get great photos!

Karen said...

Looks like it was a beautiful evening. LOL on Lindsay being 1st in her class-great reason to get one more speech out of your student ;-)

Congratulations to you all-it's an incredible accomplishment for all of you. God has been faithful to see you through the whole way.

Deanna Rabe - Creekside Cottage Blog said...

Thanks Friends!

Tracy said...

What a glorious celebration of a special event!

sherry said...

My heart swelled as I read through this post. What a lovely, God-honoring ceremony and celebration. Beautiful! Love the hymns that were shared (esp Come Thou Font..) and the English country dancing at Lindsay's reception.

Congratulations, Lindsay!!!

jAne at

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